Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Mark Levin on gravity of SCOTUS leak: ‘All these institutions are going to collapse’ May 3, 2022 | Joshua Nybo


Mark Levin on gravity of SCOTUS leak: ‘All these institutions are going to collapse’

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As the fallout over the dramatic alleged Supreme Court leak to Politico continues, takes are coming in from every angle, and commentator Mark Levin hasn’t missed out on an opportunity to weigh in either.

Speaking on “Fox & Friends” on Tuesday, Levin attacked the leak itself as a “grave assault” on the integrity of the institution of the Supreme Court of the United States. There’s been speculation that the leak was intended to intimidate justices planning on overturning Roe v. Wade (1973), though as of writing there’s no proof as to who the culprit is (but plenty of speculation), or even if the leak is legitimate.

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Levin spoke firstly on the leak as a “lawless” attack on the institution:

“When you conduct yourself in an utterly lawless way, attacking the institutions of this country, attacking the founding documents of this country, attacking the history of this country, this is what you get: lawlessness.”

Going further, Levin then stated that he believes that these institutions are in fact doomed, and are about to collapse entirely.

“It’s just a matter of time. All these institutions are going to collapse. This is a grave assault on the Supreme Court,” he said.

The long-time commentator also spoke on his own personal experiences with the law, and how the court is meant to be a more elite institution insulated from public opinion, with lifetime tenure, as opposed to the revolving door of two year House of Representative terms.

“When I was in law school, I was actually an intern to Chief Justice Warren Burger. I saw how it operated, and I can tell you this institution takes its confidentiality seriously. Why? That’s the coin of the realm. They’ve got to be able to talk about ideas freely. They’ve got to be able to discuss this without political pressure. Why do people think these are lifetime appointments?” he asked.

“Of course, the Democrat Party is destroying this country. Look at the confirmation process. It started with [Robert] Bork. The Democrats targeted him under [Senator Ted] Kennedy and [then-Senator Joe] Biden, and it moves on to others, including Clarence Thomas, including Kavanaugh. Republicans don’t treat Democrat nominees this way.”

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Levin ended by noting that the rhetoric of illegitimacy undermines the basic fabric that American institutions operate on, without which the American system itself essentially breaks down.

“When you say the Supreme Court doesn’t look like America, you’re undermining the credibility of the court,” he said.

The uproar over the leak continues to pour in and is likely to dominate the news cycle for a long time to come.

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