Wednesday, May 25, 2022


 the Vortex

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Ah, the black hat.

May 25, 2022  49 Comments


When I was a little kid, I wanted to be in the movies. Well, not really, but for the purposes of this Vortex, let's roll with that. 

So when I dreamed of a career on the silver screen when I was 10, I never could have imagined that, one day, I'd have the honor of being in a Martin Scorsese film.

But here I am, a half-century later, playing the part of the villain.

The movie is Building a Bridge, and, yep, Martin Scorsese is the producer. The flick is all about the "journey" of the long-suffering Fr. James Martin crusading for love and acceptance of sodomites in the Church. And, of course, any good movie needs a villain as well as a hero, and that's where we come in — black hat and all.

The movie debuted in 2021 at the "prestigious" Tribeca Film Festival in Manhattan and went on sale for home viewing earlier this month.

Here's the trailer.

Sure, you want to be close to Jesus, Father. Sure, that's why you're doing all this.

And, by the way, back when Martin exploded so flamboyantly onto the ecclesiastical stage, the question was put to him, "Fr. Martin, are you homosexual?" Eventually, he responded by saying his Jesuit superiors have ordered him not to talk about his orientation.

That's a little weird, but OK.

Martin exploded flamboyantly onto the ecclesiastical stage.GabTweet

The nearly hour-long movie is really little else than a propaganda piece trumpeting sodomy in the Church, with the "unique" angle that a priest is leading the charge. Of course, given the current state of affairs, there's nothing unique about a pro-gay priest.

Scorsese, you will recall, also directed the blasphemous 1988 film The Last Temptation of Christ, which we won't get into because of its filth. Let's just say, Mother Angelica's review was direct, calling the movie "the most blasphemous ridicule of the Eucharist that's ever been perpetrated in this world." 

But back to Jimmy Martin and his bridge to Hell construction: Church Militant should consider itself blessed to be cast as the villain in a pro-sodomy film. In fact, we do.

My father, God rest his soul, used to say to me, "Michael, when you die and go before Our Lord, make sure you have the right list of enemies with you." If Fr. James Martin and Martin Scorsese are on that list, which they are, then I have some hope of salvation.

Let's be very clear here — very clear. Anyone, especially a priest, who promotes intrinsic evil is on his way to damnation, and, in the case of a priest, he takes many souls with him. Church teaching is very clear: Homosexual acts are contrary to nature, the natural moral law and, as such, are always evil.

Martin cannot sidestep this, no matter how hard he tries.

So, what Martin does is simply ignore the teaching and twist it around by quoting Scripture out of context, deliberately so. Jesus didn't eat with prostitutes and tax collectors because He wanted to be inclusive and tolerant and accepting. He ate with them because He loved them enough to call them out of their sin to change their lives and live for Him.

Martin knows this, all of it, and yet continues deceiving his audiences — souls that have a right to the truth, even if they don't like it. Martin is obligated by Almighty God to tell these souls the truth and help them live it.

But since Martin is gay himself — and if you aren't, Father, deny it — he seeks damnation for them because, you know, misery loves company.

The movie is based on Martin's book Building a Bridge and, in the video promoting his book, he spews out so many errors and deceptions, it's almost impossible to catalog them all, or count them.

The first 23 seconds are five questions that deliberately obscure the truth, so they are actually lies disguised as questions. From there, it just spirals downward, conflating terms and phrases to obscure the truth.

For example, the Church has an obligation to welcome LGBT people. Again, more obfuscation — commingling friendly sounding words like "welcome" with objective states of mortal sin. The Church is under absolutely zero obligation to welcome sin and evil. In fact, it's under an obligation to speak against sin and expel it from the Temple.

He spews out so many errors and deceptions, it's almost impossible to catalog them all.GabTweet

Sinners are welcome, of course, but with the obligation on their part of being remorseful for their sins and repenting of them. And that's not just true of active homosexuals; it's also true of every sinner or every kind of sin.

But again, Martin skips over that part, as well as many others, because to reveal the whole truth would explode his agenda of getting the unsuspecting and horribly formed to accept sodomy as cool and fun and a "gift."

Martin is a devil. Period. He has no love of truth, and, like his father, Satan, his mouth is a wide-open grave and all honey his speech.

A couple years back, Church Militant ran into Martin in Rome the day before the Pachamama summit began. We've never divulged the details of the conversation with him there in the Borga, steps away from the Vatican's St. Anne's gate. We promised him we would not as a condition of his remaining and talking with me. That said, allow us to characterize it as Fr. Martin not being able to get away with his crap to my face like he does in the film.

Scorsese even goes so far, and Martin allows it, to have his elderly mother appear in the film and disparage me for not liking her son. And yeah, we're serious.

Being cast as the villain opposite Martin is actually a badge of honor, and Church Militant is happy to don the black hat. In the homo-dominated hierarchy today, even the color of the hat you wear doesn't mean what it used to.

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