Wednesday, May 25, 2022

HEADLINES..Church Militant..with Christine Niles..Hong Kong Cardinal on Trial Charged with endangering national security...NY Passes Adult Survivors Act Clergy abuse victims can seek justice.


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MAY 25, 2022

Get briefed on today's top stories with Christine Niles.

DC Ignores Pelosi Ban
Priests not instructed to deny anyone communion. FULL STORY

Pelosi Hits Back
Equates death penalty with abortion. FULL STORY

Gay Pride Protest at Fus
Students demand solidarity with the LGBT. FULL STORY

NY Passes Adult Survivors Act
Clergy abuse victims can seek justice. FULL STORY

German Bishops Pres Disses Pope
Was "disappointed" in the pontiff for refusing to change Church teaching. FULL STORY

Hong Kong Cardinal on Trial
Charged with endangering national security. FULL STORY

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