Satanists Exploit Christian Program to Impose Their Agenda on Children
Satanism in America is being pushed with ferocious intensity, and they are now targeting the school system to accomplish their goals.
One recent example is a case in Ohio where local Satanists turned the tables on a “religious release” program in public schools that allows students to be taken off campus for religious education in the middle of the school day.
Sign Today! Tell Edgewood Elementary School to Stop Promoting Satanism
“Hellion Academy for Independent Learning (HAIL) which is run by the Satanic Temple, is offering a once-a-month program at Edgewood Elementary School per the request of a parent. According to the satanic minister in charge, this program is only offered when requested and only at schools where other religious programs already exist.
Pluralism is America’s Achille’s heel and the Satanists know that. All religions are not equal and this is what happens when we recognize them as such.
This new program was requested as an alternative to LifeWise Academy, an Ohio-based program that offers a 55-minute study of the bible once a week. The same satanic minister explains: “We aren’t trying to shut the LifeWise Academy down, but I do think a lot of school districts don’t realize when they open the door for one religion, they open it for all of them.”
That is shocking!
Demand that Edgewood Elementary School Stop Promoting Satanism
It is important to realize the deceptive nature of Satanism and Satan, who is promoted under the guise of a mere legendary or mythical being and who is downplayed as a funny little cartoon character. This should not come as a surprise though, since it is well known that Satan is the father of all lies.
Parents should do everything in their power to thwart this effort on the part of Satanists who are now seeking to corrupt children with their promotion of the satanic.