Monday, November 2, 2015

Better Israeli 'Hell' Than Palestinian Paradise* Daily Newsletter&utm_content=2215
Friday, October 30, 2015
To read all of today's news items in full, click here!
SPECIAL NOTICE: Israel Today editor Ryan Jones will be in Australia late November to early December and is available to speak at your congregation or other gathering in New South Wales.

For more information, please contact* Daily Newsletter&utm_content=2215
Coming to Faith in Muslim 'Palestine'
Palestinian Muslims who come to faith in Jesus find little warmth and welcome in the local Church
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* Daily Newsletter&utm_content=2215
Better Israeli 'Hell' Than Palestinian Paradise
Amidst the current violence, Israel is again painted as oppressive, but many Arabs WANT to live here
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"...Out of the Strong Came Forth Sweetness."
Israel's security situation continues to be precarious. Citizens stabbed, soldiers stabbed, people killed and wounded. There is no quiet.
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COMMENTARY: Is the State of Israel the Israel of God?
Some Christians say the Jew have been replaced, others that it's all about being Jewish. There's a third possibility
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* Daily Newsletter&utm_content=2215
Help a Palestinian Christian Become an Ambassador for Truth
Israel Today's Palestinian Christian contributor is looking for your help to further spread the truth
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Exclusively for subscribers to Israel Today Magazine:
Creativity: How the media manipulates the headlines
Agriculture: Which breed of sheep is one of the oldest on earth?
Deception: How deceptive is the whole BDS movement
Dread: Life as a Christian in Muslim Palestinian
Zoology: How the Mossad keeps a complete zoo full of spies!
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