Monday, November 2, 2015

Russell Brand Calls The Queen By Her Family Name And The Media Goes Crazy! (swearing)

Top 10 Trending Stories

Welcome to the Before It's News Top Trending Stories. Each weekday we deliver the most important and interesting alternative stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.

Russell Brand Calls The Queen By Her Family Name And The Media Goes Crazy! (swearing) CONTRIBUTOR: beefree. Russell Brand Vs The Royal Family (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha) Earlier in the week Russell Brand made a post on his Facebook page saying this, ”I mean in England we have a Queen for f__’s sake. A Queen! We have to call her things like “Your Majesty” YOUR MAJESTY! Like she’s all majestic,...


It Is Here: Court Ruling Paves Way For Mass Confiscation Of Firearms In America CONTRIBUTOR: The Sleuth ​Journal. By: Alex Thomas, Intellihub | Gun control proponents and media allies also continue to push for mass confiscation. In a ruling that directly paves the way for mass confiscation of firearms in America, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, in a much-anticipated decision, has upheld the constitutionality of...


Can’t Miss Interview- Doug Hagmann- Dave Hodges on UFO’s, JFK, WW III, Muslim Invasion

CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. Doug and Joe Hagmann Doug Hagmann interviewed Dave Hodges on several critical topics: The Muslim immigration crisis in Europe which is also beginning to happen here. How Dave is under attack for being a watchman on the wall. Dave’s revelations about his fathers work on reverse engineering Nazi technology....


The Matrix Decoded: Decoding the Occult Messages in The Matrix CONTRIBUTOR: RiseEarth. by PL ChangEnergy FanaticsThe Matrix Decoded: Decoding the Occult Messages in The Matrix is a very empowering seminar that I presented to the public on October 24, 2015. During this seminar, which is my sixth seminar, I went into great details showing the occult (hidden) messages in the movie The...


10 Conspiracies You’ll Never Believe are Conspiracies CONTRIBUTOR: RiseEarth. by TS CaladanWorld Mysteries1. Hair LengthDid you know the length of a man’s hair means something significant, socially and politically? We carry around an appearance that is largely based on others around us. We want to fit in, don’t we? We mimic others. People not only look like those around...


Obama cancels oil and natural-gas lease sales in the Arctic, cedes Arctic to Putin

CONTRIBUTOR: Atlas Shrugs. This story is related to this eye-opening piece about how Moscow is using Obama’s disastrous post-American foreign policy to batter American credibility abroad. Obama has presided over a decline in American power and prestige that could not have been anything but deliberate. I warned that this was coming in my...


Wild West at Twin Peaks: Waco biker gang shootout CCTV footage released (Video) CONTRIBUTOR: goldenmean. This post was originally published on this site Texas authorities have made public surveillance footage of the epic May shootout between two biker gangs and police in Waco that left nine people dead and put 177 behind bars. The case remains largely unsolved and no indictments have been made. READ...


‘Mentally Unstable’ Obama Looking To Start A War CONTRIBUTOR: NESARA. ‘Mentally Unstable’ Obama Looking To Start A War With China? Michael SnyderOctober 28th, 2015This week Barack Obama sent a guided missile destroyer into disputed waters in the South China Sea to see if the Chinese would start shooting at it. Yes, this is what he actually did. Fortunately for us,...


Rick Rule: Silver, Gold and Geopolitics (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: FSN. from Thanks for watching/listening. Subscribe, Share, Like Please visit Rick Rule Please visit Rory Please visit


Greg Hunter, "Weekly News Wrap-Up, 10/30/15"

CONTRIBUTOR: CoyotePrime. "Weekly News Wrap-Up, 10/30/15" by Greg Hunter’s "The U.S. Middle East policy is getting more confusing and more dangerous. They are talking peace while sending more troops to Iraq and Syria. Iran is now also invited to the peace table in Vienna to try and find a solution to...



CONTRIBUTOR: Christopher Watson


CURATOR: Lisa Haven

CONTRIBUTOR: The Unsilent Majority


CURATOR: Lisa Haven





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