Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Unsettling Video of the Earth Breaking in Nova Scotia

Paranormal News Weekly Featured

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Unsettling Video of the Earth Breaking in Nova Scotia CONTRIBUTOR: . UNSETTLING VIDEO OF THE EARTH BREATHING IN NOVA SCOTIA Please scroll down for video A Canadian man has captured an unsettling video of the ground in a forest near his home in Nova Scotia appearing to 'breathe' in strong winds. Brian Nuttall posted the video to the 'We Love Nova...

Great Photo Of An Alien Craft Over Dubai CONTRIBUTOR: . GREAT PHOTOS OF AN ALIEN CRAFT OVER DUBAI .  3-28-14 DUBAI .  My wife and I were visiting the top deck of the world tallest building the Burj Khalifa for the sunrise observations. When the daylight begun to slowly take over the eastern sky, only minutes before the sunrise we...

OPPENHEIMER AND EINSTEIN WROTE A TOP SECRET DOCUMENT ON ALIENS AND UFOS CONTRIBUTOR: . OPPENHEIMER AND EINSTEIN WROTE A TOP SECRET DOCUMENT ON ALIENS AND UFOS The idea that planet Earth has been visited by beings not from Earth is a concept that has been around for many years. If we look back at history, study and analyze ancient texts from cultures all over...

Paris Massacres Predicted in famous Sollog Prophecy

CONTRIBUTOR: . The famous Sollog Prophecies about 113 and the Solstice Line that runs through Paris and London had a major hit with the Paris Massacres on Friday the 13th in Paris. You can view the Sollog Prophecies at

The Most Commonly Reported Extraterrestrials By Contactees, Abductees & Experiencers (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: . The Most Commonly Reported Extraterrestrials By Contactees, Abductees & Experiencers Posted on November 17, 2015 by Mike Quam “Intelligent beings from other star systems have been and are visiting our planet Earth. They are variously referred to as Visitors, Others, Star People, Et’s, etc…They are visiting Earth now; this is...

Into the Rabbit Hole: Discussion of Shadow People CONTRIBUTOR: . This is a new series "Into the Rabbit Hole - Discussion." It was born from an aha moment when a researcher and I were discussing back and forth a paranormal subject and I realized the way we come to conclusions is as interesting as the conclusions. If you ever wanted...

ARE NEW GOVERNMENT AIRCRAFT RESPONSIBLE FOR UFO SIGHTINGS? CONTRIBUTOR: . ARE NEW GOVERNMENT AIRCRAFT RESPONSIBLE FOR UFO SIGHTINGS? Please scroll down for video Could most UFO sightings be caused by advanced anti-gravity military aircraft? According to, a website for U.S. military members, anti-gravity technology may be right around the corner. The aircraft displayed in their video is labeled the...

Idaho witness videotapes ‘strange’ hovering lights CONTRIBUTOR: . An Idaho witness at Caldwell reported watching and videotaping a series of unknown lights that remained stationary and moved around during the event, according to testimony in Case 61233 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. Cropped and enlarged photo taken from the witness video. (Credit: MUFON)...

Daily UFO Headlines 11/17/2015

CONTRIBUTOR: . Triangular UFO Purported To Be ‘Alien Megastructure’ Spotted Appearing, Vanishing Over Melbourne Sky [Video] – Tech Times UFO Spotted in Chile: Project Blue Beam Involved? – Latino Post Barrow man’s Cumbria ‘UFO’ sighting claim – NW Evening Mail UFO caught on camera: Mystery light filmed blazing in the sky...

Oregon witnesses describe lights moving across property CONTRIBUTOR: . An Oregon witness at Veneta reported watching a bright white light about the size of a basketball moving through his property, according to testimony in Case 72304 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. The main events reported are from November 7, 2015, but the witness begins...

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