Monday, January 15, 2018

With 68% of Christian men viewing pornography on a regular basis, the church is in desperate need for something to help men understand what they are up against. Already, 500,000 men have found a solution that is kick-starting their journey toward sexual integrity. The Conquer Series is a twelve-disc cinematic series for men, which uses war analogies to help men understand the battle they're facing. Dr. Ted Roberts, host of the Conquer Series, has helped thousands of men find freedom. Take your first step towards freedom and order the Conquer Series today!
Connect with God in a deeper way as you read His Word. Select Bibles are now 50% OFF plus Free Shipping and a Free Gift. Show me the Bibles!
Encounter the Holy Spirit and develop a relationship that saturates you in His peace, love and joy. Explore the Life in the Spirit Series.
FREE GIFT! Download Pastor Bill Johnson's 40-page mini eBook, The War In Your Head, and unlock your supernatural lifestyle. CLICK HERE

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