Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts
Italy’s Salvini congratulates Bolsonaro: “Even in Brazil, the citizens have sent home the left!”
The so-called “populist” movement, which is condemned by the left as “racist,” “Islamophobic,” “xenophobic” and the like, has been gaining momentum in many Western countries, and now in Brazil.
While Islamic supremacists and jihadists have been expending considerable efforts to infiltrate Western countries, they have largely depended upon Leftist leaders, who have betrayed their nations in aiding and abetting these enemies of free societies. Muslim Brotherhood operatives and jihadists, although deceitful and manipulative, have long documented what their intentions were: the subversion and conquest of the House of War (infidel nations). The “duty” of jihad that must be waged by all Muslims is stipulated in the Muslim Brotherhood’s founder’s commission to followers to “prepare for jihad and be lovers of death.” That mission is obviously shared among Islamic State and al-Qaeda jihadists. The Muslim Brotherhood plan for North America, which was entered as evidence in the notorious Holy Land Foundation trial, was a stark display of the universal intention of Islamic supremacists of every stripe. Leftist leaders chose not to believe them, and go on facilitating their infiltration of free societies.
But now, along come “populists” who take a strong stand against the infiltration of free societies, and against fascist ideologies.
Italian deputy prime minister Matteo Salvini congratulated Jair Bolsonaro for his election victory in the presidential race on Sunday, celebrating that the Bazilian people had joined other nations in voting out leftist governments. ‘Even in Brazil, the citizens have sent home the left!’ the Italian Interior Minister said.
The Iranian regime has been busy exporting its jihadist ideology to “Shi’a expatriate communities while spreading Tehran’s influence in the region” of Brazil and other Latin American countries. In response, the Trump administration has been “pushing back aggressively against what the intelligence community often refers to as the ‘Iran Threat Network,'” in a campaign that has focused on Hizballah in Latin America. Back in May, Brazilian federal prosecutors charged “11 people with planning to establish an Islamic State cell in Brazil and trying to recruit jihadists to send to Syria.”
Now with news of Brazil’s elections and a new “populist” leader who won’t tolerate far-Leftists and Islamic supremacists, change is coming.
“Like Minds: Italy’s Populist Salvini Congratulates President-Elect Bolsonaro of Brazil,” by Victoria Friedman, Breitbart, October 29, 2018:
Italian deputy prime minister Matteo Salvini congratulated Jair Bolsonaro for his election victory in the presidential race on Sunday, celebrating that the Bazilian people had joined other nations in voting out leftist governments.“Even in Brazil, the citizens have sent home the left!” the Italian Interior Minister said. “Good job for [President-elect] Bolsonaro, the friendship between our peoples and our governments will be even stronger!!!”It may not just be shared politics that will forge a strong relationship with the two right-wing politicians, but heritage as President-elect Bolsonaro is of Italian background.The Brazilian’s grandfather hailed from Anguillara Veneta, in Padua, northern Italy, while his maternal grandparents came from Lucca in Tuscany. Locals of Bolsonaro’s Tuscan homeland are fans of Matteo Salvini, AFP reports, and the region’s president Luca Zaia dubbed the area’s famous son as “Salvini Carioca” for his political closeness to the Italian politician.Mr Bolsonaro won in Sunday night’s run-off against the Socialist Fernando Haddad gaining 55 percent of the vote.Representing the right-wing Social Liberal Party (PSL) Bolsonaro, a former paratrooper, ran on a campaign of fighting corruption, getting tough on crime, and undoing the socialist policies of his predecessors — all pledges that resonated with the Brazilian people.The 63-year-old will take office on January first, and has pledged to govern “following the Bible and the constitution” and to defend “the constitution, democracy and freedom”.“We cannot continue flirting with socialism, communism, populism and the extremism of the left,” he added.In mid-October, Bolsonaro had pledged to extradite Cesare Battisti, a far-leftist Italian citizen wanted for four murders committed in the 1970s, a promise of particular import to the Italian government.Italy had repeatedly requested the extradition of Battisti, 63, who had been living in Brazil after being given protection by the country’s left-wing former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who is now serving a prison sentence for corruption.“I reaffirm my promise to extradite the terrorist Cesare Battisti, so loved by Brazil’s left, immediately in case of election victory,” Bolsonaro had said…..