Wednesday, October 31, 2018

MSNBC Complains Pro-Life Ted Cruz is Beating Pro-Abortion Beto O’Rourke Despite Lavish Media Attention

 STATE   KYLE DRENNEN   OCT 30, 2018   |   9:17AM    WASHINGTON, DC
On his 3:00 p.m. ET hour show on Monday, MSNBC anchor Ali Velshi eagerly touted the “real possibility” that Texas Democratic Congressman Beto O’Rourke “could win a shocking upset next Tuesday” against incumbent Republican Senator Ted Cruz. However, in the segment that followed, the host worried that all the “national attention” O’Rourke was receiving from the media wasn’t translating into votes.
“O’Rourke has received a lot of national attention because of his charismatic campaign style. But it’s not clear if that national charisma can translate into Texas votes,” Velshi fretted. He then acknowledge the Democrat consistently running behind Cruz: “The latest Real Clear Politics average shows Cruz up by nearly seven points and a source with knowledge of the Cruz campaign’s internal polling tells NBC News the Senator’s lead is in the low double digits.”
Reporting live from a just-ended O’Rourke campaign event in Lubbok, Texas, correspondent Garrett Haake admitted that it was “one of the reddest parts of the state,” but gushed over how students at nearby Texas Tech were “fired up about Beto O’Rourke” and “screaming at the top of their lungs for the Congressman from El Paso” in the rally that had just concluded.
Despite all the excitement, Haake joined in Velshi’s concern that it wouldn’t be enough come Election Day: “It is the Beto Paradox. There is all this energy around this candidate, he is raising a ton of money, but when we see the polls, it doesn’t translate.”
After playing a clip of O’Rourke dismissing the polls showing him losing and playing up the early vote totals, Haake pointed out that most early voters in the state were Republicans:
And, Ali, he’s not wrong about the early vote, it really has been extraordinary in Texas. More than three million Texans have already cast their ballots….It’s a huge, huge number of these early votes. Now, that being said, the majority of those votes being passed are being cast by Republicans.
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The reporter then parroted spin from the O’Rourke campaign that many GOP voters may have actually cast ballots in support of the Democratic candidate:
What people around Texas will tell you, and what Beto supporters will tell you, is there are a lot of Republicans in their midst. Folks who, for a long time, maybe identified themselves with George Bush or with Rick Perry or with Mitt Romney, but who don’t see themselves in Donald Trump’s Republican party and who are willing to vote for Beto.
Wrapping up his report, Haake announced: “So all of that is a long way of saying we are still trying to solve this puzzle of how that energy will translate into votes. And we’re going to be watching this one right down to the wire, Ali.”
Velshi agreed: “Yeah, I suspect we will be a week and a day from now still trying to solve that puzzle. But we have you there trying to give us clues, so thank you, Garrett.”
When a Democrat is predictably losing in a red state, MSNBC treats it as a “paradox” or “puzzle” that must be solved. Perhaps Texas voters simply think a radically pro-abortion, anti-gun politician doesn’t reflect their values. Note: Kyle Drennen is an MRC News Analyst and a graduate of Providence College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in History and Political Science. This was originally posted on the Media Research Center blog NewsBusters.

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