October 31, 2018

It really doesn't get any more obscene than this.
As President Trump met with the Rabbi of the synagogue that came under fire, a series of anti-Semitic and anti-Israel hate groups protested his presence.
The Trumps and Dermer went with Rabbi Jeffrey Myers into the vestibule of the synagogue to light candles in the martyrs' memory when they arrived. They then laid stones and white flowers at each of the 11 memorial sites outside.Myers said earlier in the day that the interior of the synagogue, still an active crime scene, was too bullet-riddled to be used for worship.Later the president visited UPMC Presbyterian hospital, where the wounded including four police officers are recovering.In the city's Squirrel Hill neighborhood a crowd estimated at 2,000 people gathered to protest against the president's presence. With police trying to clear them from city streets, they marched behind a banner urging the president to 'fully renounce white nationalism.'The larger of two protest marches was organized by a group called IfNotNow Pittsburgh, along with a coalition that included local branches of Democratic Socialists of America and the International Socialist Organization, according to The Forward.'We certainly don’t want Trump to feel welcome,' IfNotNow activist Ella Mason told the paper.Her group told the Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle in 2017 that its goal was to end the Israeli 'occupation' of Palestinians in the Middle East.
That means it's a pro-terrorist organization. But the DSA is even worse. It's running a straight up, actual anti-Semitic candidate.
On the other side of the country, DSA-LA continues to back Maria Estrada for California State Assembly District 63 despite her praise for Farrakhan, accusations that Jews were exploiting the Holocaust, and attacking a Jewish Democrat for not keeping “your party, your religion and your people in check.”"Anyone who believes they are one of ‘God’s chosen people’ automatically feels superior and justified in all they do," Estrada ranted.Estrada’s racism was criticized by the Simon Wiesenthal Center, reported on in numerous Jewish publications, and yet the DSA and Bernie Sanders’ Our Revolution, refused to withdraw their support. When contacted about her hateful views, both the local and national DSA, as well as the local and national Our Revolution organizations, failed to condemn Estrada.
The DSA is so bad that even some of its Jewish collaborators have raised certain concerns.
Also at the DSA convention was a representative from Melenchon's France Insoumise. Melenchon’s blatant anti-Semitism, was so bad that it was even condemned by members of the DSA’s Jewish Caucus.But instead of insisting that the DSA end its ties to an anti-Semitic movement, Lane Silberstein, a DSA and If Not Now member, weakly argued that, "Jewish socialists have had to contend with one of history’s most egregious eras of antisemitism— from which the left was not immune in promoting — and yet they continued to proudly identify as socialists… we will carry on that tradition and not shy away from working with the left.” The technical term for that is collaboration with anti-Semites.Much as when D.C. Councilmember Trayon White accused the Jews of controlling the weather, the same leftist activists who rushed out to defend Salazar, Women's March's Sophie Ellman-Golan and If Not Now's Rafael Shimunov, came to his defense. White makes frequent appearances in editions of the Washington Socialist, the house organ of the MDCDSA, which has been able to lobby the D.C. racist.
And these are the people suddenly pretending to care about anti-Semitism.