Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Why Were the 7,000 Antisemitic Incidents Under Obama Largely Ignored?

Anti-Jewish hate crime and violence has been the most common form of religiously motivated hate crime since the FBI began tracking keeping those statistics. In the Obama years, anti-Jewish hate crime skyrocketed. Against the Jews. The media ignored it; instead, they manufactured  a myth of “islamophobia.” And so now, the largest killing of Jews on American soil is being politically exploited to advance Trump-hate, the caravan (!) and “islamophobia.” Disgusting.
The Geller Report has, for years, reported on these crimes on a weekly, sometimes daily basis. It was like screaming into the void.
Jewish man attacked in Paris by Muslim shouting “Allahu akbar, long live Hitler, death to the Jews”
Brooklyn: Hate Charges DROPPED Against Muslim Shouting ‘Allah’ Who Brutally Beat Hasidic Jew
Swastikas found in multiple locations in Manhattan, 19 swastikas painted on Jewish Community Center in Virginia


 by Seth Frantzman, Algemeiner, October 30, 2018:
A door spray-painted with a swastika. Photo: Twitter.
A door spray-painted with a swastika. Photo: Twitter.


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