Wednesday, October 31, 2018


Don Lemon: “The Biggest Terror Threat In This Country Is White Men” [VIDEO]

Fresh off the disgusting coverage of Pittsburgh’s mass shooting at a synagogue, CNN’s Don Lemon is on the prowl to attack Republicans.
During his show on Monday night, Lemon said the “biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right” followed by “there is no white guy ban. So, what do we do about that?”
It was on television and captured on video, then shared multiple times across social media networks, easily going viral because of what Lemon said.
Tom Elliot posted the video, with the caption stating, “CNN’s Don Lemon: We have to “realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right, and we have to start doing something about them.”
An excerpt was also posted on Grabienews, as follows:
Yes, and then, now, another one. And then you have all of them in a row. And, you know, we talked — we messaged about it a little bit this weekend. I keep trying to point out to people and not to demonize any one group or any one ethnicity. But we keep thinking that the biggest terror threat is something else, someone people who are marching, you know, towards the border, like it’s imminent. And the last time they did this, a couple hundred people came and they — you know, most of them did get into the country, most of them tired (ph)– you know, got tuckered out before they made it to the border.
So, we have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right, and we have to start doing something about them. There is no travel ban on them. There is no ban on — you know, they had the Muslim ban. There is no white guy ban. So, what do we do about that? And first of all, let me just say this. Maurice Stollard is the name and Vicki Jones (ph). And they have been lost in all of this. Two people who were killed on Wednesday that you talked about. They have been lost in this, and I know that people feel that this story has not gotten enough coverage, and we will honor them tonight in our program. But, go on, Chris. Sorry.
President Donald Trump had recently called for unity among Americans, but Lemon’s choice of words appear to be very divisive in nature.
CNN and many pundits left of center have rejected Trump’s call for unity and resorted to attacking the president after the shooting attack at the Pittsburgh synagogue.
The call for unity was welcomed by many Americans, but seems to have fallen short of acceptance from Trump’s biggest critics.
One must wonder if this is a level deeper for Lemon. Back in January, he was blaming Trump for threats that were made against CNN staffers.
Watch his comments below:
Is this a personal vendetta for Lemon?

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