Wednesday, October 31, 2018


WATCH: Nancy Pelosi Giddily Brags About Election Prediction; ‘We Will Win’

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was very giddy on Tuesday night when she predicted that Democrats “will win” the U.S. House of Representatives next Tuesday.
During an appearance on CBS’ “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,” the California Democrat boldly predicted Democrats will gain control of the House, and that the Senate was up for grabs.
“Let me say this. Up until today, I would’ve said, ‘If the election were held today, we would win,’” Pelosi said. “What now I’m saying is, ‘We will win.’”
Host Stephen Colbert responded by warning Pelosi not to jinx the Democrats’ prospects, saying he remembers hearing the same predictions during the 2016 presidential election.
“Do you want to say that on Hillary’s fireworks barge that she canceled?” Colbert said, referring to Hillary Clinton’s planned fireworks for the night of her expected victory. “Please don’t say that.”
“And how long are the curtains that you’re measuring right now?” Colbert said, joking about Democrats winning.
Pelosi defended her prediction, saying, “if everyone votes, we’ll have even a bigger victory.”
“Democrats will carry the House. If we have a bigger victory, the Senate, governorships,” she said. “It’s going to be a great night for America.”
Watch below:
Pelosi continues to predict victory for Democrats on Nov. 6, despite recent polling indicating that the GOP could pick up at least two seats in the Senate and that the House will be very close.
Democrats need to gain 23 seats in order to gain control of the House. Recent polling indicates that roughly 60 House races are “toss-ups,” meaning it will all come down to turn out and people getting to the polls.
With the midterm elections taking place next Tuesday, Pelosi has made an abundance of scathing statements about her true intentions if Democrats take back Congress.
Last week, Pelosi said no Democrats will vote “yes” to support President Donald Trump’s proposed wall along the border of Mexico and the United States.
Pelosi stated that Democrats have no plans to fund the border wall, and also hinted at the concept of an America with no immigration enforcement, which suggests a borderless country.
Prior to that, Pelosi said her preferred economic policies would entail “collateral damage” on certain groups.
Earlier this month, she also revealed Democrats’ top three priorities if they retake control of the U.S. House of Representatives in November’s midterm elections.
Pelosi said her party wants to pass a gun background check bill, legislation to protect DACA recipients, and use subpoena power to release Trump’s tax returns.
It was also revealed that House Democrats have more than 100 potential investigations that want to launch into Trump.
All of this is on the line, and reveals how important the midterm elections truly are.
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