UK: Widowed Jihadi Brides Seek Return from Syria; Include Followers of Anjem Choudary, Jihadi John
Britain is already inundated with Muslim ‘immigrants’ who are, at the very least, jihad sympathizers, native Britons who have been ‘radicalized’, and the no-go Muslim enclaves that officially do not exist.
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Now comes news Britain must decide how to deal with British women who went to Syria, became ISIS brides and now seek to return ‘home’ after losing their husbands on the battlefield. Make no mistake, these women are not doe-eyed innocents lead astray who have recognized the error of their ways. These are hardcore battlefield-tested Muslima Jihadists connected to hate preacher Anjem Choudary and uber savage Jihadi John.
An all-female jihadi cell but Pamela Geller is banned from entering the country.
From The Daily Mail:
A group of women suspected of forming an all-female jihadi cell after travelling to Syria with their Isis husbands are seeking to return to the UK…About 150 British women are known to have travelled to Syria and Iraq to join Isis, many of whom have died.But until now, only a small number of women have returned to the UK, where they face questioning by police and the possibility of having their children removed from their care.[Some] are known to have travelled to the war-torn region with their Portuguese-born husbands who were radicalised in London after travelling to the capital to seek careers as professional footballers.The men, who are known associates of Jihadi John, were said to have converted to Islam after meeting notorious hate preacher Anjem Choudary – who was released from prison in Britain this week…European security officials [say] the Portuguese men are responsible for the filming and dissemination of the series of sickening beheading videos, including the execution of British hostages Alan Henning and David Haines.Many of the 80 women due to return to Britain are currently languishing in Kurdish-run detention camps in eastern Syria after the fall of Isis last year…Security sources also confirmed to the Times that several of the women had already arrived back in the UK.‘The vast majority of those returning to Britain from Syria are women and children,’ an official said.‘The more concerning cases, particularly the men, have not been returning. But we will speak to everyone…because they may have been involved in terrorist activity.’
Meanwhile, Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer are still barred from Great Britain because they speak openly and honestly about the Muslim threat facing Western Civilization.

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