Saturday, January 29, 2022

‘BETRAYING THE AMERICAN PEOPLE’ NEWS: VIDEO Paul Murano • • January 28, 2022 4 Comments Distributing illegals under the cover of darkness



by Paul Murano  •  •  January 28, 2022    4 Comments

Distributing illegals under the cover of darkness

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Federal contractor: "DHS wants everything on the down-low."

The organized crime syndicate known as the Democratic Party continues to flood the United States with illegal immigrants in the dead of night. Church Militant's Paul Murano unveils the rogue Biden administration's criminal endeavor, a scheme that's been unfolding since spring 2021.

A federal contractor admits the truth about Biden's immigration agenda in newly obtained footage.

NGO worker: "The government is betraying the American people."

Tucker Carlson, host, Fox News: "Yeah, the government is betraying the American people. That is true."

The federal government is allowing cartels to smuggle illegal immigrants, by the thousands, under the cover of night and is using federal contractors to fly them secretly to destinations around the country.

Rob Astorino, Westchester County executive and candidate for New York governor, obtained the incriminating video through the Freedom of Information Act.

Rob Astorino, Westchester County executive: "They're waving them in. They're putting them on planes, sending them to airports that are closed, at night ... and then [they're] released onto cars into the community."

Back in October, Peter Doocy of Fox News confronted White House press secretary Jen Psaki on the problem.

Peter Doocy, reporter, Fox News: "Why is the administration flying thousands of migrants from the border to Florida and New York in the middle of the night?"

Jen Psaki, White House press secretary: "It is our legal responsibility to safely care for unaccompanied children."

But the vast majority of them aren't children. They're mostly young, single men.

Bill Hemmer, Fox News reporter: "A mass release of single, adult (and mostly male) migrants into the country."

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, R-Texas: "This no longer about families coming in with children — and they should not come in illegally, either — this is about young men."

It's obvious Democrats covet future Hispanic votes, to maintain power. Ironically, this comes at a time when Latinos are trending Republican. Transporting noncitizens within the United States violates federal law, as found in the Immigration and Nationality Act, § 274.


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