'Woke' aka 'communism'

Virginia's Fairfax County Public Schools, or FCPS, is keeping a mask mandate in defiance of the governor and is keeping perverted books on the shelves. Church Militant's William Mahoney spoke with the founder of Mama Grizzly, who first stood up to the Fairfax school board in September and did so again this week.
Stacy Langton, Virginia mom: "Stop calling it 'woke.' Call it what it is: communism."
Stacy Langton blasted the school board last night for behaving as a law unto itself. On his first day in office, Virginia governor Glenn Youngkin signed an executive order making masks for students optional. But FCPS, and other school districts, filed a lawsuit against that order and have continued with their mask mandates.
Langton: "I don't know how these school boards can not obey the governor's executive order."
Langton explained these school boards want total control, and they have demonstrated there's no actual concern for the students.
Langton: "Our forefathers came here to escape tyranny. They would have tarred and feathered all of you."
What FCPS and company are doing is nothing short of tyranny, and Langton insists it must be identified as such.
Langton: "People in the media like to tap dance around what's going on in this country, and they call it softer things — and softer terms. But we need to call it what it is."
Meanwhile, FCPS continues to keep Gender Queer on the shelves for children as young as 12, even though the neighboring school district, Loudoun County, has removed the explicit book.
Langton: "How is it the superintendent 15 miles away can do the right thing, and I can't get our superintendent, Dr. Brabrand, to do the right thing?"
FCPS has gone rogue, and, so far, only concerned citizens are calling the district out for it.
Langton: "Refusal to follow an executive order in Virginia has a one-year jail sentence. How about it officers — going to do anything about these lawless lawbreakers sitting before you?"
While the Justice Department was weaponized against parents, FCPS, so far, is getting away with actually breaking the law — hypocrisy on full display.
For information on this fight against tyranny, visit MamaGrizzly.org.