the Vortex

Breaking down Baltimore.
January 27, 2022 25 CommentsIn today's Vortex, Michael Voris is interviewed by Joe Sixpack, the Every Catholic Guy.
DGK • 22 minutes ago Check out this icky video by the archbishop of Dubuque: vimeo*com/665311429
Money, money, money, must be funny, in the rich bishop's world.
StBridget • 31 minutes ago + Whether it is someone challenging a rally, calling CM 'Nut Jobs,' and on and on, I love the way Michael and CM say, "Game on!" and victory with the Heavenly body!
The interview here was good. -Appreciate the understanding on history of catholic media outlets (Sunday Visitor) over the years till now.
JohnnyCuredents • 35 minutes ago The abuse story combined with the official Church's miserable response to the COVID theater of the last 2 years may have a tiny sliver lining. After the first Vatican council in the 19th century, too many Catholics misinterpreted its teaching about the pope's infallibility, just as John Henry Newman had feared they would. And many compounded this error by conflating their recently acquired misunderstanding of the pope's role with an "infallibization" of their own bishop; royal princes never enjoyed the kind of adulation and irreproachability that popes and bishops regularly assumed after 1870. Priests too, basking in the glow of their bishops' sacrosanctity, suddenly found themselves completely beyond the reproach of the great unwashed occupying the pews in front of them. Things were in place for the great Catholic sexual abuse crisis of the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
But now, the two crises seem to offer us a path away from this infantile approach to authority that has plagued the Church for more than a century; much like Omicron, this widespread 'infection' may finally provide us with 'herd immunity'. Ask yourself, who but terminally credulous Catholics still accept obeisantly the social and religious drivel regularly shoveled our way by guys like Cupich, O'Malley, Tobin [Joe], Gregory, McElroy, or even Bergoglio and his gang of lickspittle claqueurs at the Vatican? Thanks to the crises, respect for the office but not necessarily the man currently occupying it may finally become the authentic Catholic attitude once again.
PJ Tumnus • an hour ago "I can count on one hand the number of Bishops that I trust, and even these men are Cowards!" What an honest upfront man! God Bless you Joe!
Architect • an hour ago I love Michael how you address head on the problem of homosexuality in the Church, which was, is, and continues to be the crux of the problems with loss of the Faith in general. And only the Enemy of Christ wants the loss of Faith and fall of the Church.
Before McCarrick and the Summer of Shame, most regular Catholics in the US were unaware of how widespread the problem of clerical homosexuality was. Media have always reported the abuse of "children" or "minors" instead of BOYS who are over 90% of all the victims. This is deliberately calculated to hide the presence of homosexuals in the clergy as much as possible.
Meanwhile, bishops have been using the unlimited power of their office to recruit, ordain, and promote homosexuals in seminaries and priesthood, and among themselves. The situation is cancerous and accelerating.
It is very telling that the lesbian activist who was later "elected" mayor of Chicago, in her open letter to Cupich attacked Father Kalchik for burning the sacrilegious rainbow church banner but at the same time she was directly supportive of sodomites in the Catholic priesthood.
That's what the enemies of Christ want: more ordained sodomites, sodomite bishops, and either sodomite or sodomy-friendly pope, in order to eventually completely destroy the Church.
AcceptingReality • an hour ago I'm not at all surprised that bishops don't believe in the deposit of the faith. That's central to modernism. It's what the whole "spirit of Vatican II" is all about. What they believe in is the protestantization of the Church. That's the whole purpose of the Novus Ordo. Communion on the hand while standing, tables instead of altars connected to the tabernacle, priests with their backs turned to God, laity handling and distributing Holy Communion, laity reading the epistles, etc. were all devised to erode the faith. The erosion of the Catholic faith is necessary for the implementation of the New World Order.
what moral • an hour ago • edited Clergy are born to proclaim the TRUTH. They are actually horrible at lying. They exposed their lying continuously. They are ignorant that clergy are on the front lines of the Devils attacks and lead others into hell. Follow Jesus, or plunge into Hell.
Tom Kaye what moral • an hour ago • edited And what really burned my toast was when Pope Bergoglio rehabilitated McCarrick off of the scrapheap and commissioned him to do the sellout of the Underground Catholic Church in China. That was a first in the annals of the History of the Catholic Church.
If the two of them were ever on active duty in the USMC and did that it would have been a life sentence busting up large rocks inro smaller ones for both of them.
montezuma what moral • an hour ago Right. They are supposed to have Faith first of all. If they don't, they ought to be honest to leave!
Tom Kaye • 2 hours ago • edited Just a couple of thoughts. Perhaps the time has arrived when a distinction must be made, formally, between "Fake Catholic News" and "The Real Deal Catholic News". I remember back in the halcyon days of the early 1960's, us kids secretly saved up to buy an FM tuner (we didn't call them radios back then) together with a set of speakers and some cool headsets to plug into the the tuner. It was all the very underground, counter cultural the thing to do back then. Listening to MV's interview with Joe Sixpack reminded me of those days.
Since the Trump presidency the term Mainstream Media (MSM) has come to be accepted by Americans. It has come to mean the deliberate spreading of truth mixed with lies. I think the time has come to formally use the abbreviation CMSM to describe the many news and information outlets claiming to speak for the Catholic Church who mix truth and lies together in their reporting and those who just refuse to report the truth. For the sake of precision, I propose we add the letter C to the abbreviation. Let the C stand for Catholic - CMSM.
Today we find many, many Catholics going underground throughout the world. Persecution is on the upswing. Truth and error are being mixed together by the modrnist CMSM. And in many cases the truth is never reported at all. Of course we know that. Those of us who are still standing, hiding in plain view really, need a forum to stay connected. Thanks to MV and Joe Sixpack for that.
And, oh, by the way. I still have my FM tuner, speakers and headset standing by just in case.
AcceptingReality Tom Kaye • 2 hours ago Maybe Joe Sixpack should invest in a decent microphone. It's a shame his audio is so rough....I thought the distinction between fake and real Catholic news has already been made. Everybody knows who's who.
Tom Kaye AcceptingReality • an hour ago • edited Regarding the microphone that's true enough. But I think it kinda added to the "underground " tone of the whole thing. It gave it a kind of subversive counter cultural atmosphere to it all.
Regarding the distinction, I wish I had some stats regarding the number of bobbleheads occupying the pews in our churches these days. The number has to be YUGE.
Lucy Pipes Tom Kaye • 42 minutes ago Dear Tom, I agree, there are a LOT of bobbleheads in the pews. But this is also a big opportunity. The shut-downs weeded out a lot of people who were attending Mass as a social event. In my experience, the ones who have returned are the ones who believe in the Real Presence. Their catechesis is usually quite weak, but the Real Presence is there and has brought them back to Mass, so there is something to work with. I've found that a good place to start is pointing out how wrong the Bishops were to deny the Sacraments to the faithful. Some refuse to consider even the possibility of criticizing a priest, much less a bishop, but others have been receptive to distinguishing between Christ's Church and the hierarchy. Then it is fairly easy to point them to Church Militant and encourage them to at least try out a Vortex or two and the Evening News.
John Bedard • 3 hours ago Question: What happens to Bishops and the USCCB who have NOT Preached the Truth for Decades.
Answer: They get a Cantankerous Catholic interviewing Michael Voris calling for an END to the USCCB with THOUSANDS & THOUSANDS of Obedient Catholics agreeing with them.
I guess we can say we are "The Cantankerous Church Militant"
Sure as Hell exist, I'm CANTANKEROUS!
Tom Kaye John Bedard • 2 hours ago Speaking for myself, John, I'd like to add the word curmudgeon to your description.
Yes. It fits. I'm a proud cantankerous, curmudgeon and I don't really care if anyone likes it or not. (except for the Mrs.)
Tom Kaye John Bedard • 2 hours ago I'm resigned to the fact that I'm going to grave that way. The Mrs. has a stack of Mass cards already made out for me the day I kick the bucket.
John Bedard Tom Kaye • 2 hours ago YEP, I've made the same DECISION. Is it OK if I call you friend. I don't have a lot of friends anymore. People think I'm a "proud, cantankerous, curmudgeon, Catholic Militant".
Sister Pat John Bedard • an hour ago John, you can call me friend as well! We cantankerous curmudgeons have to stick together!
Tom Kaye John Bedard • 2 hours ago ABSOLUTELY.. And as we used to say back in the day, "I can identify.".
Annacolleen Etters • 5 hours ago • edited The USCCB is like the Italian Mafia.
They will not tackle homosexuality in their ranks, because they are homosexuals, or are bisexual.
I always pray for all clergy who have thrown away their vows of poverty and chastity.
You're right, Michael, it's shameful what they've sullied the beauty of the faith I converted to 30 years ago. The Church's beauty can still bring tears to my eyes, like when I hear music that came from Her long ago.
Michelle Campbell • 8 hours ago Ha! Wonderful interview with 'the Cantankerous Catholic' who speaks your language Michael.
Yes, l was hoping the First Amendment case against Church Militant would have made it to the Supreme Court too, but doubt it would have been ruled on before
November 14th of last year. Everything fell into place as Our Lady wanted it.
Too bad like Project Veritas you didn't sneak microcams recording these bishops
reactions to your questions as to when they will end homosexuality in the clergy.
The thought of them contributing to acceptance of sodomy as normal is evil to the core, but they crave this desperately like an irrational obsession and hunger.
Demonic, absolutely. Looking forward to more airtime with this fellow from the
Thursday January 27th Feastdays: St John Chrysostom (407) Bp., D., Pt. of orators (Trad) 🗣 & St Angela Merici (1540) V., F. of the Ursulines (New, Trad) ✝️
M5guitar1 • 8 hours ago Million Dollar Bill....LOL. I've always found it very odd that he looks the other way and calls any criticism of the hierarchy as "anti-catholic" attacks. Far from it. The faithful are completely disgusted with the behavior of homo-pederast clergy.
Michelle Campbell M5guitar1 • 8 hours ago Too bad the Establishment Catholic Machine keeps millions of gullible Catholics in the dark by omission of this clergy scourge. ✝️
DGK • 22 minutes ago Check out this icky video by the archbishop of Dubuque: vimeo*com/665311429
Money, money, money, must be funny, in the rich bishop's world.
StBridget • 31 minutes ago + Whether it is someone challenging a rally, calling CM 'Nut Jobs,' and on and on, I love the way Michael and CM say, "Game on!" and victory with the Heavenly body!
The interview here was good. -Appreciate the understanding on history of catholic media outlets (Sunday Visitor) over the years till now.JohnnyCuredents • 35 minutes ago The abuse story combined with the official Church's miserable response to the COVID theater of the last 2 years may have a tiny sliver lining. After the first Vatican council in the 19th century, too many Catholics misinterpreted its teaching about the pope's infallibility, just as John Henry Newman had feared they would. And many compounded this error by conflating their recently acquired misunderstanding of the pope's role with an "infallibization" of their own bishop; royal princes never enjoyed the kind of adulation and irreproachability that popes and bishops regularly assumed after 1870. Priests too, basking in the glow of their bishops' sacrosanctity, suddenly found themselves completely beyond the reproach of the great unwashed occupying the pews in front of them. Things were in place for the great Catholic sexual abuse crisis of the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
But now, the two crises seem to offer us a path away from this infantile approach to authority that has plagued the Church for more than a century; much like Omicron, this widespread 'infection' may finally provide us with 'herd immunity'. Ask yourself, who but terminally credulous Catholics still accept obeisantly the social and religious drivel regularly shoveled our way by guys like Cupich, O'Malley, Tobin [Joe], Gregory, McElroy, or even Bergoglio and his gang of lickspittle claqueurs at the Vatican? Thanks to the crises, respect for the office but not necessarily the man currently occupying it may finally become the authentic Catholic attitude once again.
PJ Tumnus • an hour ago "I can count on one hand the number of Bishops that I trust, and even these men are Cowards!" What an honest upfront man! God Bless you Joe!
Architect • an hour ago I love Michael how you address head on the problem of homosexuality in the Church, which was, is, and continues to be the crux of the problems with loss of the Faith in general. And only the Enemy of Christ wants the loss of Faith and fall of the Church.
Before McCarrick and the Summer of Shame, most regular Catholics in the US were unaware of how widespread the problem of clerical homosexuality was. Media have always reported the abuse of "children" or "minors" instead of BOYS who are over 90% of all the victims. This is deliberately calculated to hide the presence of homosexuals in the clergy as much as possible.
Meanwhile, bishops have been using the unlimited power of their office to recruit, ordain, and promote homosexuals in seminaries and priesthood, and among themselves. The situation is cancerous and accelerating.
It is very telling that the lesbian activist who was later "elected" mayor of Chicago, in her open letter to Cupich attacked Father Kalchik for burning the sacrilegious rainbow church banner but at the same time she was directly supportive of sodomites in the Catholic priesthood.
That's what the enemies of Christ want: more ordained sodomites, sodomite bishops, and either sodomite or sodomy-friendly pope, in order to eventually completely destroy the Church.
AcceptingReality • an hour ago I'm not at all surprised that bishops don't believe in the deposit of the faith. That's central to modernism. It's what the whole "spirit of Vatican II" is all about. What they believe in is the protestantization of the Church. That's the whole purpose of the Novus Ordo. Communion on the hand while standing, tables instead of altars connected to the tabernacle, priests with their backs turned to God, laity handling and distributing Holy Communion, laity reading the epistles, etc. were all devised to erode the faith. The erosion of the Catholic faith is necessary for the implementation of the New World Order.
what moral • an hour ago • edited Clergy are born to proclaim the TRUTH. They are actually horrible at lying. They exposed their lying continuously. They are ignorant that clergy are on the front lines of the Devils attacks and lead others into hell. Follow Jesus, or plunge into Hell.
Tom Kaye what moral • an hour ago • edited And what really burned my toast was when Pope Bergoglio rehabilitated McCarrick off of the scrapheap and commissioned him to do the sellout of the Underground Catholic Church in China. That was a first in the annals of the History of the Catholic Church.
If the two of them were ever on active duty in the USMC and did that it would have been a life sentence busting up large rocks inro smaller ones for both of them.
montezuma what moral • an hour ago Right. They are supposed to have Faith first of all. If they don't, they ought to be honest to leave!
Tom Kaye • 2 hours ago • edited Just a couple of thoughts. Perhaps the time has arrived when a distinction must be made, formally, between "Fake Catholic News" and "The Real Deal Catholic News". I remember back in the halcyon days of the early 1960's, us kids secretly saved up to buy an FM tuner (we didn't call them radios back then) together with a set of speakers and some cool headsets to plug into the the tuner. It was all the very underground, counter cultural the thing to do back then. Listening to MV's interview with Joe Sixpack reminded me of those days.
Since the Trump presidency the term Mainstream Media (MSM) has come to be accepted by Americans. It has come to mean the deliberate spreading of truth mixed with lies. I think the time has come to formally use the abbreviation CMSM to describe the many news and information outlets claiming to speak for the Catholic Church who mix truth and lies together in their reporting and those who just refuse to report the truth. For the sake of precision, I propose we add the letter C to the abbreviation. Let the C stand for Catholic - CMSM.
Today we find many, many Catholics going underground throughout the world. Persecution is on the upswing. Truth and error are being mixed together by the modrnist CMSM. And in many cases the truth is never reported at all. Of course we know that. Those of us who are still standing, hiding in plain view really, need a forum to stay connected. Thanks to MV and Joe Sixpack for that.
And, oh, by the way. I still have my FM tuner, speakers and headset standing by just in case.
AcceptingReality Tom Kaye • 2 hours ago Maybe Joe Sixpack should invest in a decent microphone. It's a shame his audio is so rough....I thought the distinction between fake and real Catholic news has already been made. Everybody knows who's who.
Tom Kaye AcceptingReality • an hour ago • edited Regarding the microphone that's true enough. But I think it kinda added to the "underground " tone of the whole thing. It gave it a kind of subversive counter cultural atmosphere to it all.
Regarding the distinction, I wish I had some stats regarding the number of bobbleheads occupying the pews in our churches these days. The number has to be YUGE.
Lucy Pipes Tom Kaye • 42 minutes ago Dear Tom, I agree, there are a LOT of bobbleheads in the pews. But this is also a big opportunity. The shut-downs weeded out a lot of people who were attending Mass as a social event. In my experience, the ones who have returned are the ones who believe in the Real Presence. Their catechesis is usually quite weak, but the Real Presence is there and has brought them back to Mass, so there is something to work with. I've found that a good place to start is pointing out how wrong the Bishops were to deny the Sacraments to the faithful. Some refuse to consider even the possibility of criticizing a priest, much less a bishop, but others have been receptive to distinguishing between Christ's Church and the hierarchy. Then it is fairly easy to point them to Church Militant and encourage them to at least try out a Vortex or two and the Evening News.
John Bedard • 3 hours ago Question: What happens to Bishops and the USCCB who have NOT Preached the Truth for Decades.
Answer: They get a Cantankerous Catholic interviewing Michael Voris calling for an END to the USCCB with THOUSANDS & THOUSANDS of Obedient Catholics agreeing with them.I guess we can say we are "The Cantankerous Church Militant"
Sure as Hell exist, I'm CANTANKEROUS!
Tom Kaye John Bedard • 2 hours ago Speaking for myself, John, I'd like to add the word curmudgeon to your description.
Yes. It fits. I'm a proud cantankerous, curmudgeon and I don't really care if anyone likes it or not. (except for the Mrs.)
Tom Kaye John Bedard • 2 hours ago I'm resigned to the fact that I'm going to grave that way. The Mrs. has a stack of Mass cards already made out for me the day I kick the bucket.
John Bedard Tom Kaye • 2 hours ago YEP, I've made the same DECISION. Is it OK if I call you friend. I don't have a lot of friends anymore. People think I'm a "proud, cantankerous, curmudgeon, Catholic Militant".
Sister Pat John Bedard • an hour ago John, you can call me friend as well! We cantankerous curmudgeons have to stick together!
Tom Kaye John Bedard • 2 hours ago ABSOLUTELY.. And as we used to say back in the day, "I can identify.".
Annacolleen Etters • 5 hours ago • edited The USCCB is like the Italian Mafia.
They will not tackle homosexuality in their ranks, because they are homosexuals, or are bisexual.
I always pray for all clergy who have thrown away their vows of poverty and chastity.
You're right, Michael, it's shameful what they've sullied the beauty of the faith I converted to 30 years ago. The Church's beauty can still bring tears to my eyes, like when I hear music that came from Her long ago.Michelle Campbell • 8 hours ago Ha! Wonderful interview with 'the Cantankerous Catholic' who speaks your language Michael.
Yes, l was hoping the First Amendment case against Church Militant would have made it to the Supreme Court too, but doubt it would have been ruled on before
November 14th of last year. Everything fell into place as Our Lady wanted it.
Too bad like Project Veritas you didn't sneak microcams recording these bishops
reactions to your questions as to when they will end homosexuality in the clergy.
The thought of them contributing to acceptance of sodomy as normal is evil to the core, but they crave this desperately like an irrational obsession and hunger.
Demonic, absolutely. Looking forward to more airtime with this fellow from the
Midwest.Thursday January 27th Feastdays: St John Chrysostom (407) Bp., D., Pt. of orators (Trad) 🗣 & St Angela Merici (1540) V., F. of the Ursulines (New, Trad) ✝️
M5guitar1 • 8 hours ago Million Dollar Bill....LOL. I've always found it very odd that he looks the other way and calls any criticism of the hierarchy as "anti-catholic" attacks. Far from it. The faithful are completely disgusted with the behavior of homo-pederast clergy.
Michelle Campbell M5guitar1 • 8 hours ago Too bad the Establishment Catholic Machine keeps millions of gullible Catholics in the dark by omission of this clergy scourge. ✝️