Evening News

JANUARY 24, 2022
Hard-hitting news and analysis through an authentic Catholic lens.
Church Militant Evening News.
Ed Baker • 9 minutes ago I'm having trouble reading the body language of Francis at 26:15. Is he thinking: "Sacraments? What are those?" Or is he thinking, "How do I get rid of those annoying sacraments?"
gorzu • 3 hours ago How quickly the leftists in the Church like Jimmy Martin label anyone who goes against their agenda as "violent". Who is going to resort to violence over the Amazon synod? Maybe them! The same leftists support terrorist groups around the world like BLM and the communists in S. America who truly are violent murderers, but that's ok, they kill people peacefully, and they are justified by the evils of "capitalism".
Ed Baker gorzu • 22 minutes ago And I guess they didn't consider their depraved indifference to burying children alive in the Amazon as violence.
springfieldlp • 6 hours ago Instead of attacking traditional Catholics and their love of worship of the TLM maybe Pope Bergoglio can meet with his political friend, Putin, and convince and admonish him not to invade Ukraine.
Ed Baker springfieldlp • 6 minutes ago Actually Putin has enormous contempt for Francis because he regards him as very "ungodly" in his words.
Architect • 7 hours ago • edited Great quote @38:57 of Bergoglio's 16 July 2021, letter accompanying Traditionis Custodes. Bergoglio stated I am saddened ... by a rejection ... of the Vatican Council II itself. Well, the Council expressly prohibited letting civil authorities to participate in the election of bishops, and Bergoglio violated the Council's Decree for Catholic Church in China.
The document of Vatican II Bergoglio directly violated is Decree Christus Dominus [20] of October 28, 1965.
Architect • 9 hours ago So happy to see the forced vaccination nonsense finally unraveling, one country at a time. It was a miracle how Boris hell-bent on ever new draconian restrictions was forced to quit them overnight, and Ireland followed. It's a good beginning of return to sanity. Thanks be to God!
Bergoglio and Cupich will be probably the last to quit their tyrannical restrictions and phony-baloney "mandates."
God bless CM for the good news and truly great reporting.
Sir Cumference • 11 hours ago The Amazon Unfresh Synod and it's fruits are a foreshadowing of the outcome of the Synod of Sinodality.
DGK • 13 hours ago Yes, let's focus on "Father" James Martin and get him eliminated. He's a disgusting waste of a fraud.
Dolores Garneau • 13 hours ago How are we so sure that three popes (including, oddly) Francis, were correct in their description of the Society of Pius X?
gorzu Dolores Garneau • 2 hours ago These homeless priests should look to go to the SSPX.
It is false that they are in schism. Let us pray the next pope achieves unity with them instead of searching for dialog and understanding with deviants like Jimmy Martin is pushing.
AcceptingReality • 14 hours ago I wish I could say I thought the Kavanaugh nomination was genius. And I wish I could say ACB was as conservative as I thought she was but they both punted more than once when we needed them most. Especially on election integrity. I'm hopeful but not at all confident that RvW will be overturned.
Architect AcceptingReality • 9 hours ago Kavanaugh's and Barrett's "good reputation" was mostly build upon the hysterical reaction of the marxist lunatics to their nominations. Ironically, the lunatics were least allergic to the nomination of Justice Gorsuch and he appears to be the best of the three Trump appointees.
Robbi Baseballmomof8 • 11 hours ago A report was formally presented to the WEF called, "The 1973 Club of Rome Depopulation Plan" and in it a part of the overall strategy is to maintain constant crisis, chaos, confusion, destruction, and death until the globe is reduced to bowing and accepting the Fascist One World Government. Do we actually think the Pope is praying for peace in Ukraine when he is an acolyte of the WEF's Klaus Schwab with Putin, Biden and every other person in positions of power in the west? Does anybody actually believe this is NOT approved by the Globalist WEF/CCP Nazis? Welcome to the next crisis overlapping all the rest.
Baseballmomof8 • 15 hours ago • edited Dr. Malone is a Catholic in the making 😉🙏🏻 And Knestout blew up the gaydar.
Ed Baker • 9 minutes ago I'm having trouble reading the body language of Francis at 26:15. Is he thinking: "Sacraments? What are those?" Or is he thinking, "How do I get rid of those annoying sacraments?"
gorzu • 3 hours ago How quickly the leftists in the Church like Jimmy Martin label anyone who goes against their agenda as "violent". Who is going to resort to violence over the Amazon synod? Maybe them! The same leftists support terrorist groups around the world like BLM and the communists in S. America who truly are violent murderers, but that's ok, they kill people peacefully, and they are justified by the evils of "capitalism".
Ed Baker gorzu • 22 minutes ago And I guess they didn't consider their depraved indifference to burying children alive in the Amazon as violence.
springfieldlp • 6 hours ago Instead of attacking traditional Catholics and their love of worship of the TLM maybe Pope Bergoglio can meet with his political friend, Putin, and convince and admonish him not to invade Ukraine.
Ed Baker springfieldlp • 6 minutes ago Actually Putin has enormous contempt for Francis because he regards him as very "ungodly" in his words.
Architect • 7 hours ago • edited Great quote @38:57 of Bergoglio's 16 July 2021, letter accompanying Traditionis Custodes. Bergoglio stated I am saddened ... by a rejection ... of the Vatican Council II itself. Well, the Council expressly prohibited letting civil authorities to participate in the election of bishops, and Bergoglio violated the Council's Decree for Catholic Church in China.
The document of Vatican II Bergoglio directly violated is Decree Christus Dominus [20] of October 28, 1965.
Architect • 9 hours ago So happy to see the forced vaccination nonsense finally unraveling, one country at a time. It was a miracle how Boris hell-bent on ever new draconian restrictions was forced to quit them overnight, and Ireland followed. It's a good beginning of return to sanity. Thanks be to God!
Bergoglio and Cupich will be probably the last to quit their tyrannical restrictions and phony-baloney "mandates."
God bless CM for the good news and truly great reporting.
Sir Cumference • 11 hours ago The Amazon Unfresh Synod and it's fruits are a foreshadowing of the outcome of the Synod of Sinodality.
DGK • 13 hours ago Yes, let's focus on "Father" James Martin and get him eliminated. He's a disgusting waste of a fraud.
Dolores Garneau • 13 hours ago How are we so sure that three popes (including, oddly) Francis, were correct in their description of the Society of Pius X?
gorzu Dolores Garneau • 2 hours ago These homeless priests should look to go to the SSPX.
It is false that they are in schism. Let us pray the next pope achieves unity with them instead of searching for dialog and understanding with deviants like Jimmy Martin is pushing.
AcceptingReality • 14 hours ago I wish I could say I thought the Kavanaugh nomination was genius. And I wish I could say ACB was as conservative as I thought she was but they both punted more than once when we needed them most. Especially on election integrity. I'm hopeful but not at all confident that RvW will be overturned.
Architect AcceptingReality • 9 hours ago Kavanaugh's and Barrett's "good reputation" was mostly build upon the hysterical reaction of the marxist lunatics to their nominations. Ironically, the lunatics were least allergic to the nomination of Justice Gorsuch and he appears to be the best of the three Trump appointees.
Robbi Baseballmomof8 • 11 hours ago A report was formally presented to the WEF called, "The 1973 Club of Rome Depopulation Plan" and in it a part of the overall strategy is to maintain constant crisis, chaos, confusion, destruction, and death until the globe is reduced to bowing and accepting the Fascist One World Government. Do we actually think the Pope is praying for peace in Ukraine when he is an acolyte of the WEF's Klaus Schwab with Putin, Biden and every other person in positions of power in the west? Does anybody actually believe this is NOT approved by the Globalist WEF/CCP Nazis? Welcome to the next crisis overlapping all the rest.
Baseballmomof8 • 15 hours ago • edited Dr. Malone is a Catholic in the making 😉🙏🏻 And Knestout blew up the gaydar.