Saturday, January 29, 2022

POLITICIZING SOLDIERS NEWS: VIDEO Trey Blanton • • January 29, 2022 0 Comments Border crisis creates political maelstrom



by Trey Blanton  •  •  January 29, 2022    0 Comments

Border crisis creates political maelstrom

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Fake-Catholic Joe Biden's failed border policy has resulted in states along the southern border taking on an unusually high burden. Texas' Catholic governor, Greg Abbott, launched "Operation Lone Star" 10 months ago to tackle the crisis. 

In tonight's In-Depth Report, Church Militant's Trey Blanton dives into the consequences for the soldiers and civilians on the ground.

Ben Bergquam, host, Frontline America: "You've got National Guard troops posted on the highway down here about every mile. This is Governor Abbott's 'Operation Lone Star.' It's an absolute joke."

Governor Abbott is coming under fire, from both the Left and the Right, for his handling of the border crisis. Abbott mobilized over 6,000 soldiers for the border, but controversies have arisen. A former federal agent has described the area within 60 miles of the U.S.–Mexico border as a veritable "Wild West," with drug cartels dominating American territory.

Democrat Robert Francis O'Rourke (who calls himself "Beto") is running for governor of the Lone Star State. The failed Senate and presidential challenger accuses Abbott of using the National Guard as a political prop and is pushing for more immigration.

Beto O'Rourke: "Choosing a state and a country of immigrants that is that much stronger and more successful and, yes, safer by the presence of those that have come here." 

Retired Lt. Col. Allen West is challenging Abbott in the Republican primary. He is drawing attention to the conditions soldiers are facing on the border.

Lt. Col. Allen West: "There are a lot of our men and women down there on that border. They don't have the right type of equipment. They're missing individual first aid kits; they're missing and not having the right body armor. Some of them are even down there with their own personal weapon."

The Texas Military Department refutes claims that soldiers are being unduly burdened, saying five suicides in recent months were not related to Operation Lone Star. Abbott believes the Biden administration is at fault, since the federal government should be responsible for securing the border. West disagrees.

West: "You always want to make sure that it is my men, my mission, and, lastly, myself. And when I look at what has happened with Operation Lone Star, I think that that has got completely out of balance."

Command Sgt. Maj. Jason Featherston retired from the TMD in November last year. His assessment lines up with West's.

Command Sgt. Maj. Jason Featherston: "Major General Tracy Norris signed a budget request last cycle to cut Guardsmen's tuition assistance and submitted that to Gov. Abbott and to the Texas legislature."

Border security is necessary to a functioning State. It must be carried out effectively and not just for political points. Grassroots Republicans are accusing Abbott of toeing the RINO-establishment line, only taking a stronger stand when pressured. "Beto" is unpopular to most Texans over his desire to confiscate guns.


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