Single adult male migrants are released from federal custody in Brownsville, Texas; Bill Melugin has the exclusive footage.
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EXCLUSIVE: Large numbers of single adult illegal immigrants are being released and transported into the U.S. in Texas via a small, unmarked office in a parking lot, video caught by Fox News on Sunday shows.
Fox News footage shows several federally contracted buses dropping off dozens of mostly male migrants at a parking garage in Brownsville, Texas. Black tarps were set up with a makeshift sign said "Border Patrol drop-off" above it.
Fox News footage from Jan. 23, 2022, shows migrants being released into the US.
Fox witnessed men go into a small, unmarked office, then re-emerge moments later as multiple taxi cabs then showed up to collect the migrants -- who were then shuttled off to nearby Harlingen Airport. There were no children or migrant families among the groups.
Several of the migrants told Fox that they had crossed illegally that morning, paying approximately $2,000 per person to cartel smugglers. They also said they were flying to destinations including Miami, Houston and Atlanta.
Single adults are typically being expelled via Trump-era Title 42 public health protections. The Biden administration kept Title 42 in place but is not applying it to unaccompanied children or most migrant families. However, single adults have long been the easiest category of migrant to deport.
In a statement to Fox News, the city of Brownsville said its Office of Emergency Management, through federal assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), works to facilitate "the transfer of these migrants to their final destination by allowing them to use services to contact their families, NGOs, or a taxicab."
It confirmed that the parking garage serves as a staging area for migrants to be given travel information to "facilitate their transfer to their final destinations." Migrants can also be given a health screening there, a spokesperson said.
Customs and Border Protection (CBP) said its agency was not involved in the release. An Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) source who viewed the footage said they believed it was an ICE release.
The development comes just as CBP officially released its December border numbers -- showing 178,840 encounters in December, a slight increase over November, but significantly higher than the 73,994 encountered in December 2020.
The Biden administration has been struggling with the crisis at the border and is re-establishing the Trump-era Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) in response to a court order that found its dismantling of the program unlawful.
Last week, the program -- which sees migrants returned to Mexico -- was expanded to the Rio Grande Valley sector. The returns are set to take place through the Brownsville port of entry.
Where did they get the $2000 for the trip? Probably from relatives in the US, who probably got it from tax dollars somehow. We're paying for this on both sides.
When the Civil War starts they will be heading back South. Guaranteed.
Where do you think your tax money goes???
I have never been more ashamed of the United States Government.
They ask Americans to work hard, pay taxes, and this is what we receive in return.
Americans do not run the Government. I SERIOUSLY think everyone must go to DC and NOT SEE THE SIGHTS!!! Go to the Office Building where Government Employees work. Not politicians. Mostly they are puppets and come and go. GO TO THE TRUE POWER!!! The Federal Employee. Cannot be fired. Unaccou...See more
We are also asked to vote for these folks. Corrupt politicians are nothing new. Stop voting for them and you'll see change.
Clearly when Joe Biden is interested in border security it does not pertain to this country. He is only concerned about the border between Ukraine and Russia.
I know what you mean but there is a clear difference. I am surprised that Tucker also compares both the same but they are not. One is not "invasion" it is occupying without firing a bullet but the Ukraine is with military force. But I remember Tucker made a subtle comment saying Russians should jus...See more
CBP is capturing and expelling migrants at a higher rate than any time in US history. You can read their monthly reports online. I SUPPORT OUR CBP OFFICERS!
Fox and CBP reported in December that 160,000 migrants TOTAL had been allowed into the US last year under Biden, almost entirely children and ...See more
Describes Joe Biden Administration…..Aiding and abetting is a legal doctrine related to the guilt of someone who aids or abets another person in the commission of a crime. It exists in a number of different countries and generally allows a court to pronounce someone guilty for aiding and abetting i...See more
A little investigative reporting to inform us what the names of the bus, taxi cab and airline companies providing this service to transport and release these illegals.
Could apply also to some DAs we know of
Another introduction of a new Covid variant arriving to a city near you!
The midterm Demacron variant?
And if they are put on a plane, they can use their warrant to appear as acceptable ID.
"the transfer of these migrants to their final destination by allowing them to use services to contact their families, NGOs, or a taxicab."
Fully funded by OUR tax dollars. If it isn't illegal for the Biden Admin to do this, it should be.
It is. Biden was court ordered to reinstate remain in Mexico. Unfortunately the AG is a leftist activist.
Yet, we are near going to war to keep another countries borders from being invaded. I would think this would be an impeachable offense. This is total dereliction of duties with the president willfully not enforcing our country's laws.
The job of our President is to enforce the laws of this country. He is not doing his job. The job of Congress is to hold the President accountable if he is not doing his job of enforcing the laws. Congress is not doing its job. The job of Congress is to make new laws if the old ones are not wor...See more
I love my country and served Honorably and proudly for 4 years. With that said I have never once in my life distrusted my government more than I do today.
As a legal immigrant, I would hate to see illegals pour into our great country! However, given the fact that a large portion of the population (i.e., Blacks, White millennials, etc.) are sitting on their fat behinds, refusing to go to work, and being a burden on the rest of the hard-working American taxpayers somebody has to fill in for them - the illegals!
Stopping illegals from coming in = kicking Blacks and White millennials in the rear end! Then problem will be solved!
First, thank you for your service. And second, I started feeling the way you do back when Obama was president. Now, my trust is at 0, and I don't think it will ever again climb into the + column.
This has got to be stopped. Biden should have charges brought for threats against our country.
Biden and his backing and the the whole Euro Climate Woke Clan are a threat to world peace. Greedy Low Lives.
The whole country sits quietly by watching the federal government break our own immigration laws?
The whole country allowed the election to be stolen by socialists/communists. How is this any different?
This comment violated our policy.
He said to obey the laws of the land. Hmmm… pretty sure they are crossing illegally. Your clueless.
Jesus was related to King David.
that's why Herod wanted to kill him.
Biden has intentionally and willfully allowed an invasion of this country - which in my eyes is an act of aggression, a traitorous act, against this country - which should be cause for impeachment at the very least. Truthfully, more serious charges should be brought against him up to and including...See more
Too bad there isn't a law against stupidity.
Dem leaders who aid and abet the illegals should also be charged with treason...along with Dem leaders who allow illegals to vote in American elections.
I came here legally 12 years ago and became a citizen 5 years ago, have a great job, paying a ton of taxes. My friends came here legally 7 years ago - they are business people who are generating income and paying even more in taxes. They have just received their green cards after immigration and a...See more
So unless you have 120k you cant come to America? I am disgusted by you. Who did you fight to be apart of America?
By the way the right way to claim asylum is to show up and claim it. You have up to a year to claim once you arrived. What was your excuse for entering the country?
Thank you for coming to America the same way as my grandparents did, legally. I'm so sorry that you had to spend so much money to get here. I totally agree with you how wrong and painful this must be to see illegal immigrants just turned loose. PLEASE continue to voice your concerns and thoughts, ...See more
What other country in the world just lets illegal aliens go where ever they want when they walk into their country?
Why do our international airports have strict requirements for non-citizens to go through customs and present credentials, visas, etc., while people that walk across our southern borde...See more
What happened to the Supreme Court's Remain in Mexico Policy? Just as we have laws regarding how some cities list the names of released criminals, there should also be a resource for people to reference (easily) illegal aliens released in their cities. It is not right for the government to dump ill...See more
Biden doesn’t give a rat’s tail.
Like the Fake Election…forget about it.
And not one was vaccinated against anything...
Yep, that would be raciest to do that. But it ok to fire our men and woman in the hospitals for not taking the shot.
It’s time to rise up. This is treason against our country. There’s absolutely no reason for people to break the law to come into our country we have one of the easiest immigration policies. Americans need to stop this now in any method possible do not hire undocumented illegals for your landscaping...See more
This right here is enough to impeach Joey
It will take a house and senate majority to get real justice...
But with this dem controlled house and senate, it won’t happen. But in Jan 2023….
went into the offices to register as democrats and to sign up for welfare and to grab a stimulus check or 2
That brings up a good point, are they being given cash to live on, and then being setup with government assistance??
Our own government perpetrating an invasion that no one wants to acknowledge. We are being destroyed by our own leadership.
While we’re getting ready to send eight thousand troops to guard a border in Ukraine that most Americans can’t find on a map. Brandon’s America, and who’s paying the over a hundred thousand illegals a month and over a million in just the last years groceries, utilities, transportation, education, h...See more
They are importing their new voting populace and simultaneously passing laws at the local level to allow illegal immigrants to vote in elections. Wake up people. They are rigging the system.
This is a violation of US law that is being condoned and encouraged by our chief law enforcer Joe Biden. He should immediately be arrested and tried for treason and dereliction of duty.
How many of the elite left from Hollywood is taking these folks in and caring for them???????????????????????????????
What about sending the 8,500 troops to defend OUR border?
How many crimes is Biden going to be allowed to get away with? These are unconstitutional, unlawful felonies being DELIBERATELY committed by Biden and his people. Where are the calls for impeachment and trials for his people?
The word Hate is not a good enough word for how I feel about DEMOCRATS.
I can't believe that the president and the administration is allowing these things to happen.
It couldn't be any more obvious that they're trying to destroy our country...
Has anyone heard from our border czar about this situation? Wonder if she found the root cause of it yet?
Have you people not seen the polls?? Dems need fresh voters just to stay relevant and they sure aren’t coming from anyone already here
This is intentional folks. At some point these people will become citizens under the democrats and will become voting democrats. The goal is to wipe out the Republican Party. This is what happened to California when they got amnesty in the 80s.
Vote for retired military and cops who have seen with their eyes what Dems want for this country.
This is treason, pure and simple. This country is owned by the people and we did not approve it. I did not see this on the ballot and most that was were lies.
This is an invasion and yet our MSM is more concerned with Ukraines border.
I think the Ukraine border is Political Nonsense to Distract American's from the real Issues, namely FAILED PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN.
How does THIS not fall into High Crimes and Misdemeanor catagory?? total dereliction of duty on all levels
abuse of power not serving and protecting the border
All polls show Americans WANT our immigration and naturalization laws enforced - up to 81% of Americans in one poll. Joe intentionally, purposefully unsecured our borders on day 1 of his presidency. And now he wants to help Ukraine protect THEIR borders. Deplorable.
Even after the court ruled the stay in Mexico policy must be re-established, the Biden Administration continues to violate the order. Can you even imagine the reaction from Democrats if President Trump would have ignored court orders? Somebody needs to be held accountable, but I am confident that...See more
This is part and parcel of the Great Reset, the desire to flood western societies with low skilled workers and 3rd world immigrants. It was started during Obama's first term, and will continue throughout his third.
Brandon may well be the death of the USA. It seems he is intentionally taking steps to make it happen.