Friday, January 28, 2022

TRUCKERS UNITE WORLDWIDE NEWS: VIDEO James Fedewa • • January 28, 2022 2 Comments Australia joins Canada in protest



by James Fedewa  •  •  January 28, 2022    2 Comments

Australia joins Canada in protest

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As harsh health mandates continue to burden families, businesses and nations, truckers across the globe are poised to protest COVID tyranny by shutting down cities and supply chains. Church Militant's James Fedewa takes a closer look at the latest freedom convoy — this time in Australia.

Thousands of Australian truck drivers are assembling to protest experimental jab mandates. The truckers are planning to converge on the nation's capital, Canberra, on Monday the 31st — demanding an end to draconian overreach. 

Samuel Harder, truck driver: "We have heard there's an excess of 20,000 coming."

This movement follows Canada's fast-growing "Freedom Convoy 2022." Over 10,000 Canadian truckers are heading to Ottowa, protesting sham-Catholic Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's jab mandates. 

Trudeau: "The rules are very simple. To travel, you've got to be vaccinated." 

Thousands of Canadians are cheering on the massive convoy — on track to arrive Saturday the 29th and gridlock the country's capital.

Trudeau downplayed the movement Wednesday.

Trudeau: "The small fringe minority of people who are on their way to Ottowa, or who are holding unacceptable views ... ."

Thousands of American truckers are also joining in protest, meeting along the border to support the freedom convoy. 

While mainstream media ignores these worldwide protests, the truckers are enjoying widespread grassroots support and fundraising millions of dollars.

Harsh lockdowns following the China virus outbreak weakened many economies, and truckers are the lynchpin supporting supply chains across the globe. Critics wonder when soaring prices and empty shelves will finally convince COVID politicians to end their crippling jab agenda. 

Both Australia and Canada have led the way in tyrannical health restrictions, arresting noncompliant citizens and even throwing them in COVID camps


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