Friday, January 28, 2022

Evening News...The Church Militant...JANUARY 27, 2022 Hard-hitting news and analysis through an authentic Catholic lens.

 Evening News

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JANUARY 27, 2022

Hard-hitting news and analysis through an authentic Catholic lens.

  • I really enjoy the format with co-hosts. The young reporters are doing awesome!

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        This audio is extremely difficult to listen to with Jules in Rome. Very distracting echo.

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            Hello wondering if you could do a show on Vermont and an upcoming vote called prop 5 making an amendment on our state constitution, which would allow no restrictions on abortion and has an umbrella of things to fall under bad.
            Mary Kelly

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                Just a note ~ I saw a page today that was saying The Lab in Wuhan has "Found" another NEW strain of Covid that COULD be worse than wat we have been thru already!! They will do anything to keep the world in Fear ! Only problem is, people in the US , A good portion of The EU & others have already reached their breaking point !! It won't much matter which leaders want to keep the population down, it isn't going to work much longer! That goes for our Fake Pope ALSO !!

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                    When Canada shut down air travel. China had incoming flights into Canada.

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                        Remember the Chinese military have been training in Canada as per Turdeau's nod.

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                            Very astute observations within the first 10 minutes.

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                                I think many people are missing a very important point of the U.S. military processing out those who refuse the jab. The soldiers who would most likely not follow unlawful orders by their superiors are the ones who stand up and say no to the jab, this is a process to rid our armed forces of those patriots who would stand up for the Constitution. The problem with the ignorant left's thinking is, now we have these patriotic men and women in the general populace already trained to resist them when they try to take our freedoms away and they have an axe to grind. Just this retired soldiers' opinion.

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                                    Young people appear much more comfortable tonight. Resolution to just skootch everyone over a bit is ingenius and so simple. Do love these young people, yet am missing William Mahoney, Kim, Brad, Christine, Paul; think we 😍💗 all. Love you all and miss you all. Always praying for you. ✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝✝
                                    Fantastic reporting of late...So many important topics relevant in this WEF/CCP 'Crisis-Oriented' political climate trying to manipulate the world to kneel to Nazi Communist Govt. out of Davos-As though Xi will kneel? 🙄
                                    Bet you guys are SO PROUD. CM 'Breaking News' from Jules Gomez. What a coupe. 🤩🧨🧨😄
                                    Great point about illegal insurgent, young men being used as reinforcement for the PURGED military and Antifa/BLM Militia. No loyalty to Constitution, Country, Culture, Population would murder on demand. Does any Conservative News have anybody watching Military Bases, Quantico, Camp Peary? 🤔😉
                                    😣Poor Hunter...Having to report on putrid Kiddie Porn case about Fr. Jackson...But, a GREAT JOB. 😉
                                    ✨Smile from James reporting the 'Trucker Protests'. Nice to really smile. GREAT news. 😁
                                    Joe and Nadia...GREAT POINTS. Catholic/Christians from 'Terror-Oriented' lands where they are murdered would seem to be preferred U.S. Refugees easily assimilated after relocation to U.S. 😉🤔
                                    Who let this Jewish Nazi sympathizer Soros into the U.S.A. With 'history' of destroying every country of residence, who is the worse 'Nut Job'- Nazi or the wacko letting him into the Country? 😒💥😒

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                                        People need to stop calling these people migrants. They're an invading force of fighting age men and it needs to be stopped.

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                                            Yes! The build, the gate of these single men getting off these bases betrays that.
                                            Some of them have the look of MERCENARIES!!! 👎

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                                                Bergoglio does the same thing: calling invaders "migrants."

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                                                    Thank you! I was saying that way back when they started marching toward the border and Pope Francis was sending them aid. This was when Trump was still in office. The word migration refers to the natural seasonal movement of people, or even animals, from one region to another. It has nothing to do with invasion that is underway now. But they use the word migrants to make them sound like the poor, the down trodden, the huddled masses.

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                                                      Boy, are you ever right. I define them "Insurgents" and they don't cross. Yes, they "INVADE". Have you noticed how the Nazi Communists once called 'Democrats' have changed the definition of 'Democracy' to really be 'Nazi Communism' (Is actually 'totalitarianism/authoritarianism')?
                                                      That which they SCREAM about protecting is 'Nazi Communism' by traditional definition, but they refer to it as 'Democracy'. (Yes, I KNOW the U.S. has never been either and is a Constitutional Republic.) It's as adding 'Social Welfare Systems' to the definition of "Infrastructure". I don't get the reason Conservatives willingly follow the Nazi's ever new definitions of traditionally defined words.

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                                                          If Conservatives are speaking up it either isn't LOUD ENOUGH or...
                                                          they're being censored.
                                                          Someone go ask evil 'hedge fund' billionaire Soros with his NGO'S! 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰
                                                          Or, Mr Meta/Facebook and his merry band of social media censors.... 🤐

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                                                          Well MV, I think your dad IS seeing this disaster…. And we must ask for his prayers of intercession to bring cleansing to this nation and the Church.

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                                                              I am so proud of you, Michael, for mentoring these young, bright reporters. Where did you find such brilliant minds, the future of the Church and our country? I am so happy!

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                                                                  Congratulations CM for story on the Vatican and Big Pharma and company, now if only the US would cover the story.

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                                                                    Dark night has come down on this rough spoken world,
                                                                    And the banners of darkness are boldly unfurled,
                                                                    The tempest-tossed church, all our eyes are on thee,
                                                                    They look to thy shining, Sweet Star of the Sea.

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                                                                        MySpace was first before Facebook if you consider non-college subscribers early on. Facebook quickly squashed MySpace, but still--it was first, Michael.

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                                                                            OK, you asked for feedback, here it is! :-)

                                                                            I realize that one must crawl before walking, but I think the young folks you have working at CMTV and whom you are trying to train by having them do part of the Evening News would be, at this point, brought along in their media training more effectively in ways other than being auxiliary presences on the Evening News set. The current batch seems ready for it.

                                                                            I have a suggestion.

                                                                            Revert to having "the Download" (live or recorded) at lunch time, using a format more like the original Download.

                                                                            Have your young "trainees" run it and present it most days. Most of the time, hand them the ball, and let them run with it. (Of course, it would be good to bring you (Michael), Simon, Christine, and the other more established folks in on the discussion from time to time as well.)

                                                                            Thus spaketh Rich. ;-)

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