Thursday, January 27, 2022

DEMOGRAPHIC DEFICIT NEWS: VIDEO James Fedewa • • January 26, 2022 3 Comments Hispanics saying 'adiós' to Biden



by James Fedewa  •  •  January 26, 2022    3 Comments

Hispanics saying 'adiós' to Biden

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As the country races toward this year's midterm elections, Democratic strategists are noticing a steady loss in one key demographic. Church Militant's James Fedewa examines this trend, which is making the Party of Death very nervous.

Latino voters are running from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party. According to pollsters, this is a nationwide trend.

In a Quinnipiac poll this month, Biden's approval rating sits at only 33%.

But only 28% of Hispanics approve of Biden's performance, with 51% disapproving.

Biden: "Look, I didn't over-promise, and what I have probably, uh, outperformed what anybody thought would happen."

Back in 2020, one of the top priorities among Latinos was the president's handling of the China virus. 

Anthony Fauci: "disproportionately afflicting the minority populations."

Now, Latino voters are massively unsatisfied with Biden's response to COVID, with 37% approving and 59% disapproving. 

In the 2020 election, 59% of Hispanics voted for Biden, and 38% voted for Trump.

Although a majority of Hispanics still favor Democrats, the demographic is trending red.

A Wall Street Journal poll last month found Latino support split nearly evenly for a hypothetical [presidential] rematch in 2024, with 43% backing Donald Trump and 44% favoring unelected President Biden.

While it's still early for 2024, Democrats are expecting a fight for the midterms in November.

But one thing is clear, a once-dependable demographic for the Left is no longer bleeding blue. 

The recent numbers continue a declining trend. In 2012, 71% of Latino voters gave their support for Obama's re-election. Four years later, in 2016, that fell to 66% of Latino voters who cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton. And as we just heard, it fell again in 2020 to just 59%. That's a 12% drop in one decade.


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