Evening News

JANUARY 28, 2022
Hard-hitting news and analysis through an authentic Catholic lens.
Church Militant Evening News.
jeri sadegi • an hour ago Francis, does not give a damn when he is in bed with big pharma, and China. He is getting billions from both sources. It is all about moving with Sorus and the Great Reset.
MarxismNoWay • 2 hours ago Lots of snow and cold today. I know what to do! At 4pm, I'll watch that livestream Mass from Florida. I'll take that first deep breath (piano music playing), roll up my sleeve...and on the outbreath...feel the myocarditis, strokes, birth defects, and other life-threatening complications of the untested, abortion-tainted gene therapy going out to all of humanity, because I'm doing my part for the "greater good" and "human rights" as directed by Pope Pfizer Bergoglio. These "clerics" are nothing more than shills for the Demonrat Party, the evil globalists of the Great Reset, and the biggest "tool" of the Great Reset and New World Order, Pachamama Frankie. They are not concerned about saving souls.
Fred Johnson • 2 hours ago Hi Brad, at 11:08 you referred to Justin Turdeau as a pansy. How dare you insult pansies like that?? And have a little respect for Fidel's likely progeny!
bppettie • 3 hours ago • edited I believe it is important that your idea of Resistance become more than just the name of the organization. People have to be given hope is something bigger than themselves - something that is going to defeat the evil forces. We have to remember that these individual attacks on the country, the church and the family are not important to the overall goal - The Revolution (socialist/communist). If any one of the individual items is defeated by the good (ex. CRT), they will just move onto another project that attacks the family or church or country. The overall goal is The Revolution - fundamental change in society from freedom to socialism or worse. Resistance has to be mentioned so the people can identify with a higher and stronger movement and find hope!
Francine Paino • 4 hours ago The issue of border control and the illegals being smuggled into the country are not resonating enough with the public. Everyone clucks their tongues, says it needs to be solved, but don't put teeth into their objections. Perhaps it's time to show the faces of direct victims killed and maimed by these illegals. There are in fact thousands. The issue takes on a different importance when someone you know and love become one of those direct victims, as happened to a friend on December 15th, in Atlanta Georgia. She was attacked, smothered, strangled, left for dead and buried under leaves and twigs while the Hondoras illegal, who'd sneaked into the country for the third time went on a shopping spree with her credit cards. Now, don't bother saying there are American criminals who damage too. I'm well aware, as my mother was a victim of such a crime. We must deal with our home-grown criminals, we don't need to suffer at the hands of people who break the law just to get in. A picture is worth a thousand words so pictures, police officers and private citizens who've suffered at the hands of illegals should have their stories told. These people are NOT numbers. They are our family members and friends. Enough already!
Syntec • 4 hours ago Let's be brutally frank here.
As a Catholic myself, I am more than prepared to declare that the current 'Vicar of Rome' is indeed an instrument of Satan - NOT Jesus Christ. He serves the devil and is causing continuous schism. He needs to be defrocked and fast if we are to save the Church.
leev Syntec • an hour ago If what you say is true and provable by Bergoglio's own statements and acts, he can not be a valid Pope and saying so must the point of first contention. Numerous Popes have written 'de fide' on the matter of when a heretic and apostate is to be openly disobeyed because to respect those instances is to validate them .... a mortal sin. Just as Judas was evicted from The Last Supper prior to consuming Righteous Itself, so must any other "wolf in sheep's clothing" be defrocked so as not to promote confusion and disorder ..... which is not of God. The concepts of Right and Wrong in moral issues are perfectly separated and never share the slightest common space in the human heart.
MarxismNoWay • 5 hours ago Did you ever think the day would come where a civil servant can't pray, but can "take a knee" for a terrorist organization like Black Lives Matter?
MarxismNoWay • 5 hours ago Do these Covidians take the time to look at themselves with those blue face diapers? They look ridiculous "protecting themselves and others". Would you trust a so-called "leader" talking to you without seeing his face? Oh yes...evil leftists do that.
Waterford_Citizen • 5 hours ago Companies state-side should seek to hire these courageous truck drivers. Not like the pansies you find all over the country who cower at home but expect the kid to stock the grocery shelves.
MarxismNoWay • 6 hours ago • edited Bergoglio and the USCCB...guilty of complicity with experimental gene MANIPULATION. These is nothing Catholic about this. It is Satanic. These COVID tyrants need to be held accountable. I really like that Reiner Fuellmich.
Seth • 6 hours ago January 6 "deaths" were Murders!
Robbi • 9 hours ago RINO's; Honestly....Betraying ENEMY of the people.
'The Police' and Sting..."Roxanne; you don't have to put on your red light"? Kinda racy, Brad and still a great tune although it's dating most of us in here. Wonderful to see you.
SNAP!!! Jules Gomez...Amused with Pachamama's annoyance with Jules and little CM. The genesis of the second phase of the "Great Reset" called 'The Great Narrative' is underway as evidenced with the 'Catholic Fact Checkers'. Combined with the continuation of the insurgency invading the U.S.; it appears our world continues to shrink, and we are losing more liberty and freedom to the WEF Schwab, Soros, Gates, CCP, etc. psychopaths every moment.
Factual observation from available data is not paranoia, fear, mania or lack of faith. Yes, we are to have faith and pray and we do know God is with us in this time of trial. We also know God expects us to do our part to take care of ourselves, our families, friends, neighbors...To fight for God and right.
Excited for MV's interview w/Michael Flynn...A true American hero.
Pavel Faigl • 12 hours ago Forget them. Anyway, you would need to be at least double vaccinated to be able to even come to a distant proximity of the Pacapapa. Hahaha
Jennie Walsh • 12 hours ago Trudeau is a graduate of Klaus Shwaub's (head honcho of the Kingdom of Satan's organized crime syndicate) school for Satanist Globalist rulers.
Jennie Walsh • 13 hours ago • edited Decree-Affirmation: "I AM THAT I AM" driving all of the Satanic Globalist Power-Elite criminals' evils and weapons back into themselves for their own destruction so that they QUICKLY REAP WHAT THEY SOW and DESTROY THEMSELVES and EACH OTHER. 🙏 "I AM THAT I AM" replacing every person, place, condition and thing of the Kingdom of Satan's organized crime syndicate with the GOD-VICTORIOUS, LIGHT ALL-GLORIOUS JESUS CHRIST PERFECTION and GOD'S KINGDOM of HEAVEN ON EARTH.
Jennie Walsh • 13 hours ago • edited Cancer is up 300% in the military from the death shots. Biden is bringing in thousands of military age single men to replace the soldiers murdered by the death shots and to replace those forced out of the military for refusing the death shots. The foreign soldiers will have no problem when they are ordered to attack and kill the American people. Satanist Biden's "destroy the USA" agenda is well underway.
Baseballmomof8 • 13 hours ago Bergoglio carefully follows the script given to him. He does a slightly better job than his illegitimate counterpart in the White House.
Bryan Dulock • 14 hours ago Looking forward to General Flynn full interview. Excellent work! Great to see Brad back. Hopefully more of the original stars will make appearances here and there (Simon, Christine, etc.).
casper • 15 hours ago It would be better if Brad talked less and let Nadia and Joe finish their words...there was too much opinionated domination
jeri sadegi • an hour ago Francis, does not give a damn when he is in bed with big pharma, and China. He is getting billions from both sources. It is all about moving with Sorus and the Great Reset.
MarxismNoWay • 2 hours ago Lots of snow and cold today. I know what to do! At 4pm, I'll watch that livestream Mass from Florida. I'll take that first deep breath (piano music playing), roll up my sleeve...and on the outbreath...feel the myocarditis, strokes, birth defects, and other life-threatening complications of the untested, abortion-tainted gene therapy going out to all of humanity, because I'm doing my part for the "greater good" and "human rights" as directed by Pope Pfizer Bergoglio. These "clerics" are nothing more than shills for the Demonrat Party, the evil globalists of the Great Reset, and the biggest "tool" of the Great Reset and New World Order, Pachamama Frankie. They are not concerned about saving souls.
Fred Johnson • 2 hours ago Hi Brad, at 11:08 you referred to Justin Turdeau as a pansy. How dare you insult pansies like that?? And have a little respect for Fidel's likely progeny!
bppettie • 3 hours ago • edited I believe it is important that your idea of Resistance become more than just the name of the organization. People have to be given hope is something bigger than themselves - something that is going to defeat the evil forces. We have to remember that these individual attacks on the country, the church and the family are not important to the overall goal - The Revolution (socialist/communist). If any one of the individual items is defeated by the good (ex. CRT), they will just move onto another project that attacks the family or church or country. The overall goal is The Revolution - fundamental change in society from freedom to socialism or worse. Resistance has to be mentioned so the people can identify with a higher and stronger movement and find hope!
Francine Paino • 4 hours ago The issue of border control and the illegals being smuggled into the country are not resonating enough with the public. Everyone clucks their tongues, says it needs to be solved, but don't put teeth into their objections. Perhaps it's time to show the faces of direct victims killed and maimed by these illegals. There are in fact thousands. The issue takes on a different importance when someone you know and love become one of those direct victims, as happened to a friend on December 15th, in Atlanta Georgia. She was attacked, smothered, strangled, left for dead and buried under leaves and twigs while the Hondoras illegal, who'd sneaked into the country for the third time went on a shopping spree with her credit cards. Now, don't bother saying there are American criminals who damage too. I'm well aware, as my mother was a victim of such a crime. We must deal with our home-grown criminals, we don't need to suffer at the hands of people who break the law just to get in. A picture is worth a thousand words so pictures, police officers and private citizens who've suffered at the hands of illegals should have their stories told. These people are NOT numbers. They are our family members and friends. Enough already!
Syntec • 4 hours ago Let's be brutally frank here.
As a Catholic myself, I am more than prepared to declare that the current 'Vicar of Rome' is indeed an instrument of Satan - NOT Jesus Christ. He serves the devil and is causing continuous schism. He needs to be defrocked and fast if we are to save the Church.
leev Syntec • an hour ago If what you say is true and provable by Bergoglio's own statements and acts, he can not be a valid Pope and saying so must the point of first contention. Numerous Popes have written 'de fide' on the matter of when a heretic and apostate is to be openly disobeyed because to respect those instances is to validate them .... a mortal sin. Just as Judas was evicted from The Last Supper prior to consuming Righteous Itself, so must any other "wolf in sheep's clothing" be defrocked so as not to promote confusion and disorder ..... which is not of God. The concepts of Right and Wrong in moral issues are perfectly separated and never share the slightest common space in the human heart.
MarxismNoWay • 5 hours ago Did you ever think the day would come where a civil servant can't pray, but can "take a knee" for a terrorist organization like Black Lives Matter?
MarxismNoWay • 5 hours ago Do these Covidians take the time to look at themselves with those blue face diapers? They look ridiculous "protecting themselves and others". Would you trust a so-called "leader" talking to you without seeing his face? Oh yes...evil leftists do that.
Waterford_Citizen • 5 hours ago Companies state-side should seek to hire these courageous truck drivers. Not like the pansies you find all over the country who cower at home but expect the kid to stock the grocery shelves.
MarxismNoWay • 6 hours ago • edited Bergoglio and the USCCB...guilty of complicity with experimental gene MANIPULATION. These is nothing Catholic about this. It is Satanic. These COVID tyrants need to be held accountable. I really like that Reiner Fuellmich.
Seth • 6 hours ago January 6 "deaths" were Murders!
taylerhansen*substack*com/p/capitol-offense-the-ugly-truth-behindRobbi • 9 hours ago RINO's; Honestly....Betraying ENEMY of the people.
'The Police' and Sting..."Roxanne; you don't have to put on your red light"? Kinda racy, Brad and still a great tune although it's dating most of us in here. Wonderful to see you.
SNAP!!! Jules Gomez...Amused with Pachamama's annoyance with Jules and little CM. The genesis of the second phase of the "Great Reset" called 'The Great Narrative' is underway as evidenced with the 'Catholic Fact Checkers'. Combined with the continuation of the insurgency invading the U.S.; it appears our world continues to shrink, and we are losing more liberty and freedom to the WEF Schwab, Soros, Gates, CCP, etc. psychopaths every moment.
Factual observation from available data is not paranoia, fear, mania or lack of faith. Yes, we are to have faith and pray and we do know God is with us in this time of trial. We also know God expects us to do our part to take care of ourselves, our families, friends, neighbors...To fight for God and right.
Excited for MV's interview w/Michael Flynn...A true American hero.Pavel Faigl • 12 hours ago Forget them. Anyway, you would need to be at least double vaccinated to be able to even come to a distant proximity of the Pacapapa. Hahaha
Jennie Walsh • 12 hours ago Trudeau is a graduate of Klaus Shwaub's (head honcho of the Kingdom of Satan's organized crime syndicate) school for Satanist Globalist rulers.
Jennie Walsh • 13 hours ago • edited Decree-Affirmation: "I AM THAT I AM" driving all of the Satanic Globalist Power-Elite criminals' evils and weapons back into themselves for their own destruction so that they QUICKLY REAP WHAT THEY SOW and DESTROY THEMSELVES and EACH OTHER. 🙏 "I AM THAT I AM" replacing every person, place, condition and thing of the Kingdom of Satan's organized crime syndicate with the GOD-VICTORIOUS, LIGHT ALL-GLORIOUS JESUS CHRIST PERFECTION and GOD'S KINGDOM of HEAVEN ON EARTH.
Jennie Walsh • 13 hours ago • edited Cancer is up 300% in the military from the death shots. Biden is bringing in thousands of military age single men to replace the soldiers murdered by the death shots and to replace those forced out of the military for refusing the death shots. The foreign soldiers will have no problem when they are ordered to attack and kill the American people. Satanist Biden's "destroy the USA" agenda is well underway.
Baseballmomof8 • 13 hours ago Bergoglio carefully follows the script given to him. He does a slightly better job than his illegitimate counterpart in the White House.
Bryan Dulock • 14 hours ago Looking forward to General Flynn full interview. Excellent work! Great to see Brad back. Hopefully more of the original stars will make appearances here and there (Simon, Christine, etc.).
casper • 15 hours ago It would be better if Brad talked less and let Nadia and Joe finish their words...there was too much opinionated domination