Thursday, January 27, 2022

Just Like Afghanistan: Anger as Word of Biden’s Secret Warning Leaks Out January 27, 2022 Ryan Green Latest News, Politics 0 Comments


Just Like Afghanistan: Anger as Word of Biden’s Secret Warning Leaks Out

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Just a few months ago, President Joe Biden committed the worst foreign policy blunder in recent memory by withdrawing American troops from Afghanistan before evacuating our citizens.

Predictably, the result was a panicked effort to try and evacuate as many United States citizens as possible amidst the Taliban takeover of the country. Five months later, some Americans remain stranded under the terrorist regime.

As Russia threatens to invade Ukraine and potentially start a conflict, the Biden administration sent a warning that sounded eerily similar to the Afghanistan disaster.

According to Just the News, the U.S. embassy in Ukraine issued a warning to American citizens there, saying the Biden administration will not be able to evacuate them in case of emergency.

“As President Biden has said, military action by Russia could come at any time and the United States government will not be in a position to evacuate American citizens in such a contingency, so U.S. citizens currently present in Ukraine should plan accordingly, including by availing themselves of commercial options should they choose to leave the country,” the embassy said.

This situation is a bit different from Afghanistan as the potential threat is due to Russia, not a direct decision from Biden himself. However, the end result is the same: The Biden administration has no plan to safely evacuate American citizens from a perilous situation.

While Biden cannot make decisions for Russia, he can make them for his own country. Instead of instituting a contingency plan for American citizens who face a potentially dangerous situation, he has ignored the signs Russia might be preparing to invade Ukraine.


“Russia has been massing for weeks, and now the Biden administration is telling Americans stuck in #Ukraine that there’s nothing they can do to get them out,” Heritage Foundation Media and Public Relations Director John Cooper wrote on Twitter. “This administration is criminally incompetent.”

The message from the embassy sets up the potential for the Biden administration’s second major foreign policy failure in less than six months, and Lone Conservative founder Kassy Dillon warned that we could be facing “Afghanistan Round 2.”


GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said even after the Afghanistan failure, Biden still was not taking foreign policy concerns seriously.

“Biden was on vacation as Afghanistan fell to the Taliban,” she wrote on Twitter. “Now as the State Department orders Americans to evacuate Ukraine, he is back on vacation.”


Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro took the sarcastic route in criticizing Biden’s second potential disaster in just five months.

“Probably he’ll get everyone out,” The Daily Wire editor emeritus wrote on Twitter. “I mean, it’s not like there are still Americans stuck in Afghanistan or something.”


While Biden’s failures have become so frequent that they are laughable, Americans who are stranded in dangerous countries do not have much to laugh about. The president’s utter incompetence in foreign policy is putting American citizens at grave risk.

via patriottruthnews

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