Evening News

JANUARY 26, 2022
Hard-hitting news and analysis through an authentic Catholic lens.
Church Militant Evening News.
chooselife2012 • an hour ago Love Milo! He brings much needed humor in these dark times. His Latin is beautiful. I would buy his recitation of the Rosary in Latin when it becomes available. God bless you all🙏🏼
MarxismNoWay • 4 hours ago I almost rolled off the sofa when I saw that clip of the livestream Mass from Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Florida! The night I am watching CM Evening News and it starts with, "Let's take that first deep breath (piano music playing in the background) and on the out breath let go of all your doubts about Pope Francis, sex scandals in the Church, corruption at the USCCB, Joe Biden and the Eucharist, masks, and these safe and effective vaccines", I'll know that is the end! I'll need to wake up a priest to hear my confession (if I can even find a priest who will talk to you if you're NOT wearing a mask or don't have a vaccination card). Thank God, I'll never see that on CM Evening News...or at a TLM (if you can still find one).
Robbi • 6 hours ago • edited LOVE the new format for the news with the whole hour and people included at the table adding depth for the presentation. But, FINALLY, figured-out my annoyance. The person seated in the middle presenting the item of interest at any given time is usually sitting next to MV. While reporting, that person(s) seated in the middle appear(s) extremely preoccupied with the necessity of turning the head continuously to speak with every member seated around the half-moon table. This simple distraction appears to disallow the report to flow in a natural manner.
Germans of 'The Synodal Way' implementing Pachamama's Globalist WEF 'One World Religion' heretical faith is spreading nonsense. Report about Benedict after CM reports heresy and apostacy is curious. Hm-m-m.
Holy Moly; $120-240,000.00 for an Undergrad Jesuit Degree? Mike Rowe advocating tech jobs requiring training and apprenticeships during High School where a starting wage is six figures per year sounds brilliant instead of sending kids to university teaching indoctrinating crap for that sum of doe.
Has anybody considered Ukraine as another PLAN to further destabilize the world since everyone involved is an acolyte of the new Hitler of the WEF, Schwab? The timing of this happening immediately following the annual Davos shindig is suspicious. The Psychopaths prioritizing depopulation and constant misery for the world until the whole globe bows to kiss their rumps by accepting a Nazi Communist 'One World Govt.' with the boasting of the 'Great Reset' seems elementary.
Marg Lam • 8 hours ago • edited Breathing exercises during the mass?
Nooo no. Sounds like a bit of eastern meditation beginning exercises. Unbelievable! But then after having watched in utter shock and disbelief of the "mass" at St. Sabina parish in Chicago, Illinois on YouTube, it's hard to shock me anymore. It was like watching a car accident where you look in awe of the tragedy. It's not for the faint of heart.
Nevertheless, the breathing exercise is a new wrinkle. Arrggh! What is the limit to the ridiculous nonsense being added without being disciplined for such violations. Just say NO!
Weston Ward • 8 hours ago Both Nadia and Joe are really adding to the discussion. It's nice to hear someone else's voice once in a while. 🙏🇺🇸
Philipp Merillat • 11 hours ago So disappointing to hear intelligent persons suggesting that non medical issues may need medical solutions. One would not expect financial problems to be solved by innovative accounting methods. Don't make doctors hit men. Or accountants bank robbers. I am very tired of a Church which talks, talks, and talks and demands more money while I know it participates in kidnappings and drug injections of authentic Christians for practicing their faith. Please return my twin brother to his home and stop drugging him. I'm saying this to Catholics in Las Vegas, New Mexico who are doing this now for decades while threatening me with beatings and abuse for exposing their wickedness. Our attorney was reportedly killed in a car accident.
12Maria34 • 12 hours ago I like looking at these young people loving our church and living the Catholic faith ... so much hope ... the oldies at CM (sorry) are the stability of the faith, thus, the young ones still have a tough act to follow.
Dano50 • 12 hours ago I live in one of the main cities on the Trans Canada highway and the other day, there was a whole lot of whoop-de-do when the trucker convoy rolled through.
And you know what?
Everybody's STILL wearing masks today.
I haven't masked for nearly two years, have never had a ticket despite MULTIPLE threats, and a few months ago a friend informed me that city police purposely wait an hour and a half before responding to mask calls, so as to give the "criminal" time to hoof.
Turdolt doesn't NEED to listen to the truckers, because we're already conditioned.
Apologies Michael but, Milo's Latin really rings Latin.
NanaMary • 12 hours ago Sorry Milo, homeopathy is a true gift from God and it DOES work. Ghandi, Mother Teresa & other many famous SCIENTISTS used it.
It saved many lives in the Spanish Flu pandemic, for example.
Baseballmomof8 • 12 hours ago Cupich has something on Paprocki. That is quite obvious. My guess is it has something to do with his association with the NAC.
Blobee Baseballmomof8 • 10 hours ago I tried to find the letter to the parish in Springfield online, but could not. From what I can gather, the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius who staff St. Katherine Drexel in Spingfield are being required to follow the same restrictions placed on the Canons in Chicago, which are, only Novus Ordo on first Sunday of each month, and Novus Ordo for Christmas and Easter Triduum (and whatever else was stipulated.) This was done because the Canons are a "public diocesean association of the Christian faithful" (not a religious order in the formal sense) and as such are under the canonical authority of the Archbishop of Chicago, and so Cupich controls them, not the bishop of the diocese where they are serving. Paprocki had no choice.
Bryan Dulock • 13 hours ago • edited Sometimes the cohosts speak in a way that is hard to understand. They can slow down their delivery and enunciate their words to correct this. Otherwise they are very pleasant to listen to--they are a good complement to the principal host.
Blobee Bryan Dulock • 10 hours ago I agree. I like all of them and the content they offer.
Nadia does need some work on enunciation and diction, and to get out of the habit of using conversational slang, such as "absolutely," (meaning "you're right" or "yes, that's true"), or "basically" when it does not mean "fundamentally," and too much use of the word, "like." (...like, that's such a good stance, like...), but I'm reluctant to mention these things because she's such an asset to the program and I find her input valuable.
Keep up the good work all. You're doing great!
JR Bryan Dulock • 12 hours ago That's a similar problem with many readers at Mass. When people speak too fast (especially when they speak in a low voice), they tend to mumble, making it a little harder to understand. As you said, they can slow down their delivery and enunciate so that it doesn't sound like they are saying a very, very long word!
chooselife2012 • an hour ago Love Milo! He brings much needed humor in these dark times. His Latin is beautiful. I would buy his recitation of the Rosary in Latin when it becomes available. God bless you all🙏🏼
MarxismNoWay • 4 hours ago I almost rolled off the sofa when I saw that clip of the livestream Mass from Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Florida! The night I am watching CM Evening News and it starts with, "Let's take that first deep breath (piano music playing in the background) and on the out breath let go of all your doubts about Pope Francis, sex scandals in the Church, corruption at the USCCB, Joe Biden and the Eucharist, masks, and these safe and effective vaccines", I'll know that is the end! I'll need to wake up a priest to hear my confession (if I can even find a priest who will talk to you if you're NOT wearing a mask or don't have a vaccination card). Thank God, I'll never see that on CM Evening News...or at a TLM (if you can still find one).
Robbi • 6 hours ago • edited LOVE the new format for the news with the whole hour and people included at the table adding depth for the presentation. But, FINALLY, figured-out my annoyance. The person seated in the middle presenting the item of interest at any given time is usually sitting next to MV. While reporting, that person(s) seated in the middle appear(s) extremely preoccupied with the necessity of turning the head continuously to speak with every member seated around the half-moon table. This simple distraction appears to disallow the report to flow in a natural manner.
Germans of 'The Synodal Way' implementing Pachamama's Globalist WEF 'One World Religion' heretical faith is spreading nonsense. Report about Benedict after CM reports heresy and apostacy is curious. Hm-m-m.
Holy Moly; $120-240,000.00 for an Undergrad Jesuit Degree? Mike Rowe advocating tech jobs requiring training and apprenticeships during High School where a starting wage is six figures per year sounds brilliant instead of sending kids to university teaching indoctrinating crap for that sum of doe.
Has anybody considered Ukraine as another PLAN to further destabilize the world since everyone involved is an acolyte of the new Hitler of the WEF, Schwab? The timing of this happening immediately following the annual Davos shindig is suspicious. The Psychopaths prioritizing depopulation and constant misery for the world until the whole globe bows to kiss their rumps by accepting a Nazi Communist 'One World Govt.' with the boasting of the 'Great Reset' seems elementary.Marg Lam • 8 hours ago • edited Breathing exercises during the mass?
Nooo no. Sounds like a bit of eastern meditation beginning exercises. Unbelievable! But then after having watched in utter shock and disbelief of the "mass" at St. Sabina parish in Chicago, Illinois on YouTube, it's hard to shock me anymore. It was like watching a car accident where you look in awe of the tragedy. It's not for the faint of heart.
Nevertheless, the breathing exercise is a new wrinkle. Arrggh! What is the limit to the ridiculous nonsense being added without being disciplined for such violations. Just say NO!Weston Ward • 8 hours ago Both Nadia and Joe are really adding to the discussion. It's nice to hear someone else's voice once in a while. 🙏🇺🇸
Philipp Merillat • 11 hours ago So disappointing to hear intelligent persons suggesting that non medical issues may need medical solutions. One would not expect financial problems to be solved by innovative accounting methods. Don't make doctors hit men. Or accountants bank robbers. I am very tired of a Church which talks, talks, and talks and demands more money while I know it participates in kidnappings and drug injections of authentic Christians for practicing their faith. Please return my twin brother to his home and stop drugging him. I'm saying this to Catholics in Las Vegas, New Mexico who are doing this now for decades while threatening me with beatings and abuse for exposing their wickedness. Our attorney was reportedly killed in a car accident.
12Maria34 • 12 hours ago I like looking at these young people loving our church and living the Catholic faith ... so much hope ... the oldies at CM (sorry) are the stability of the faith, thus, the young ones still have a tough act to follow.
Dano50 • 12 hours ago I live in one of the main cities on the Trans Canada highway and the other day, there was a whole lot of whoop-de-do when the trucker convoy rolled through.
And you know what?
Everybody's STILL wearing masks today.
I haven't masked for nearly two years, have never had a ticket despite MULTIPLE threats, and a few months ago a friend informed me that city police purposely wait an hour and a half before responding to mask calls, so as to give the "criminal" time to hoof.
Turdolt doesn't NEED to listen to the truckers, because we're already conditioned.
Apologies Michael but, Milo's Latin really rings Latin.
NanaMary • 12 hours ago Sorry Milo, homeopathy is a true gift from God and it DOES work. Ghandi, Mother Teresa & other many famous SCIENTISTS used it.
It saved many lives in the Spanish Flu pandemic, for example.Baseballmomof8 • 12 hours ago Cupich has something on Paprocki. That is quite obvious. My guess is it has something to do with his association with the NAC.
Blobee Baseballmomof8 • 10 hours ago I tried to find the letter to the parish in Springfield online, but could not. From what I can gather, the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius who staff St. Katherine Drexel in Spingfield are being required to follow the same restrictions placed on the Canons in Chicago, which are, only Novus Ordo on first Sunday of each month, and Novus Ordo for Christmas and Easter Triduum (and whatever else was stipulated.) This was done because the Canons are a "public diocesean association of the Christian faithful" (not a religious order in the formal sense) and as such are under the canonical authority of the Archbishop of Chicago, and so Cupich controls them, not the bishop of the diocese where they are serving. Paprocki had no choice.
Bryan Dulock • 13 hours ago • edited Sometimes the cohosts speak in a way that is hard to understand. They can slow down their delivery and enunciate their words to correct this. Otherwise they are very pleasant to listen to--they are a good complement to the principal host.
Blobee Bryan Dulock • 10 hours ago I agree. I like all of them and the content they offer.
Nadia does need some work on enunciation and diction, and to get out of the habit of using conversational slang, such as "absolutely," (meaning "you're right" or "yes, that's true"), or "basically" when it does not mean "fundamentally," and too much use of the word, "like." (...like, that's such a good stance, like...), but I'm reluctant to mention these things because she's such an asset to the program and I find her input valuable.
Keep up the good work all. You're doing great!
JR Bryan Dulock • 12 hours ago That's a similar problem with many readers at Mass. When people speak too fast (especially when they speak in a low voice), they tend to mumble, making it a little harder to understand. As you said, they can slow down their delivery and enunciate so that it doesn't sound like they are saying a very, very long word!