A mighty cry and great despair will fall upon all lands
For our Father God’s presence will have disappeared from among uscreating great chaos, rumblings in all the earths lands
A great and desperate emptiness begins to creep about
Know all innocence has gone and left ,four horsemen galloped about.
How many times have we been warned
How many prophets of our Mighty Father God have been laughed at
Ridiculed, Beaten and killed
How many more will die in their service to the Father, The Word
How many more will cry out in the greatest of despair for a future only littered in great blackness covered with death.
This day will come, I have no doubt of this as you can see
I have come to warn you to wake up and look all about you
Can you not smell the very master of death about you
Can you not taste the very blood of the innocence that will be last to be lost.
Why can’t you hear these words I have been screaming,
can you not hear at all.
On that day, this blackest of days
When the very hand of God will be lifted and taken away.
There will be the sound in the heavens, throughout this whole earth, yes it will be heard in all these lands.
The great gates of heaven, being closed, yes even being slammed.
They will be locked, closed forever, this is the very end of man.
For no more will man be taken to this heaven, this most promised of lands.
No more will the cries of man be herd in heaven
Man will find himself truly alone, in his own blackness
His very fate in his own blooded hands.