Evening News

MAY 24, 2022
Hard-hitting news and analysis through an authentic Catholic lens.
Church Militant Evening News.
Lori • 41 minutes ago Our own bishops and priests have mocked Christ and His sacraments as they do not correct. Watered down confession with penance...that never sends anyone to the 'penitentiary' and letting laity like Pelosi to receive Christ in the Eucharist. It tells me both priests and bishops have no love for Christ and His Bride.
JohnJoseph • 2 hours ago I laugh every time Pelosi says she's a "devout" Catholic! If she was truly devout, she would be defending the faith at every step and committed to the cause of eternal salvation. Well, I guess she doesn't know the meaning of the word devout. She's a CINO!
7greatdanes JohnJoseph • 8 minutes ago She went on to say, "...they also don't allow contraception, LGBT rights and IVF..." as if the bishops were another political party. Nancy, THEY are the Catholic Church and those positions are dogma.
Carmen R Maiorano • 4 hours ago Pelosi is an agent of hell. She proves it by her actions everyday. Whoppie.... Your mouth is as large your body, the crap that comes out of your mouth exceeds the amount blasting out of your end. Take note no one is listening to you and no one cares what you say.
Susan Abdallah • 8 hours ago Thank you, young, beautiful fantastics. Great job; praying for your continued holiness.
Maris Bentley • 9 hours ago I love Father Altman and I thank God for priests like him. However, I’m concerned that his righteousness anger is becoming unholy and harmful, especially to himself.
Architect Maris Bentley • 9 hours ago It's not good when EVERYBODY jumps to attack a Bishop for doing the right thing.
Maris Bentley • 9 hours ago Dr. Mahoney, I’ve heard it explained as God’s permissive will, this plurality of religions.
Architect • 9 hours ago Father James Altman is one of my favorite priests. This time, I think, he should have reserved the outrage for those bishops who stay silent about, or will attack Archbishop Cordileone. The Archbishop did the right thing, and may God bless him for that.
Imagine the father of the prodigal son screaming at him, Why didn't you come home sooner, and did you wait until you wasted entire inheritance on a life of dissipation!?
Lucy Pipes Architect • 2 minutes ago Dear Architect,
Thank you for so clearly referencing Sacred Scripture. I knew something was "off" in Father Altman's comments, and your post clarified for me why I had that reaction. I also agree with others about disliking, and disagreeing with, his insults on people's physical appearance. There is plenty of substance to address, the insults are an unnecessary distraction. On a related topic, as I was watching Father Altman, I started wondering if he colors his hair. I believe he was a practicing attorney while I was still in high school (class of 1984), so he either has unusual genes or he is using hair dye. There may be a good reason for it, or it may be a bit of vanity in the good priest that he might need to examine.
Jeanne L Architect • 9 hours ago Perhaps the Archbishop waited in hope that he would have the support of many more of his brother bishops.
RP • 10 hours ago I appreciate Church Militant's reporting on the Nancy Pelosi issue and I agree with the general message (she shouldn't be receiving Communion per Canon Law). However, I was really disappointed with Fr. Altman's insults. Calling someone fat and another wrinkled (while commenting on the way her face appears with tight skin) has absolutely nothing to do with the issue at hand.
I'm surprised Church Militant endorsed that message and let him make those comments. This brings me to my next point. I'm a fan of Church Militant's honest reporting but I'm noticing a troubling pattern. Whenever the news organization comments on men it will use terms that stick to the issue at hand (for example calling Biden "unelected Biden"). However, when the organization comments on women it focuses on their appearance (for example when Psaki was repeatedly called "Carrot Top"). I just can't get on board with comments like that. It's subjective, mean, and unnecessary.
Lorette Sansone RP • 6 hours ago I agree with you. Using personal insults and comments about appearance, body types and the like REALLY detracts a great deal from the message being sent, and also lowers the credibility of the person speaking the message.
Bobbie RP • 8 hours ago I also didn’t like Fr Altman’s comments about physical attributes of people. He needs to stick with the problematic issues they espouse. I know he’s frustrated but he needs to ratchet down from middle school comments. God bless him.
Michelle Campbell • 10 hours ago • edited God, my God...l'm so upset over Uvalde tonight...numb....
My dear precious Church Militant family...Staff, your families and fellow chatboarders, l love you...everyday l pray Sts Michael & Joseph hide you and yours from persecution.
Sensing vulnerability, how fragile life is.
Michael has said 'All this comes to an end'.
The Four Last Things...these precious children. ✝️
Architect Michelle Campbell • 9 hours ago Let's Go Brandon wasted no time tonight to go after 2nd Amendment and legal gun owners - never let a perfectly good crisis go to waste. Actually, President Trump had the right idea: to arm willing school teachers. Schools cannot remain "gun free zones" like this, where armed criminals are free to roam and mass murder whoever they want.
Michelle Campbell • 11 hours ago Alot of news and commentary tonight....
I'm returning to this website, in shock about the Uvalde Texas mass shooting
that took place today.
This 18-year old, wearing body armor, armed with a rifle, first kills his grandmother,
crashing the vehicle.
He survives, gets out, entering a middle school proceeding to shoot and kill at least 18 7-9 year olds and one beautiful teacher before being gunned down himself.
Hatred? Mental Strangulation? Motivation? Why?
Loathing of life? Self? Community?
Biden is expected to weigh in on this...or rather the 'teleprompter'.
Tucker is hoping Biden will be above the 'blame the opposition' divisiveness.
This tragedy? In a RED STATE? In Texas near the open border....
We're all waiting. 🎤🎥📹
Robbi Michelle Campbell • 10 hours ago • edited How many human beings die EVERY SINGLE DAY
from these UNELECTED incompetents allowing the Insurgency Invading
and 'The WEF/CCP Cabal' just continues on with their Hegelian Crises unabated
while claiming their SELFISH vision for the world better when it's Satanic.
Jack • 11 hours ago To hear Klaus speak his terrifying words raises the hair on my neck. It reminds me of old black and white films of Germany in the late 30's.
Michelle Campbell • 11 hours ago Fr Altman. Bless you for your courage. In numerous conversations Archbishop Cordelione spoke to Nancy Pelosi and as much as l enjoyed talking with him briefly walking towards our flights in Baltimore, l do wish he'd have extended her
the great mercy of denying her Holy Communion.
A Great, Unrepentant Sinner who really sees no evil in promoting family members killing each other is badly in need of being offered CONFESSION...if Pelosi declines...EXCOMMUNICATION.
She is scandalizing Catholics and Non-Catholics alike to the point that her friends,
our ideological enemies, have a say and not a pretty sight, either.
Why? Why? Archbishop Cordelione. Why so late? 🙏💒🇺🇸👨👩👦🙏
Concerned parent Michelle Campbell • 11 hours ago I agree, but better late than never.
God bless A. Cordileone - may others follow, specially Wilton Gregory.
Michelle Campbell Concerned parent • 10 hours ago No, Gregory follows Bernadin's 'sinodal path' apparently giving Holy Eucharist to whoever wants it so l read, and Cdl Cupich?
He invited Chicago Mayor lesbian Lori Lightfoot to come up and receive
Communion. 👎
Concerned parent Michelle Campbell • 9 hours ago Gregory has a long history of being pro-abortion, lgbtq, blm, etc. He needs to be excommunicated - why is the pope silent?
Michelle Campbell Concerned parent • 9 hours ago • edited No Traditional Guts...only loving, wanting 'the chaos'...paraphrasing PF's words. 👎
Concerned parent Michelle Campbell • 7 hours ago PF is known by many names - Dictator Pope, Communist pope, pope of confusion, even Is the pope Catholic?
Michelle Campbell Concerned parent • 6 hours ago That's one question l wish a Traditional Catholic reporter would ask PF during one of his 'historic air flight' jaunts....🇻🇦🎤📹
Joe • 11 hours ago Fr. James, I understand your anger but we are called to act with Grace. Don't stoop to the level of the left with personal attacks. We expect more from you. Lead by example
Philipp Merillat • 11 hours ago That is odd to quote the opinion of a psychologist concerning shame. It's good that we feel shame. It's good that we feel guilt. Because then we can do something about those feelings. If we didn't feel shame we might be running around in the streets naked, or coming to mass dressed in t shirts and shorts. It was after the sin of Adam and Eve that all humanity feels shame. It's natural and right to feel shame; it's not a psychological disorder, and no, we shouldn't want to be rid of it. Mother Theresa spoke on this topic of shame. I will listen to her before I will listen to a psychologist or psychiatrist's opinions on anything. The scripture tells us about shame. It is there for a purpose.
Croppybob Philipp Merillat • 11 hours ago At DePaul University, circa 1992, One amateur philosopher - - I will the name “Anonymous” - - offered some fantastic words. To Anonymous, Shame Governs morality in the East … on account of . . . “It’s public.” As in: everybody KNOWS; the aggressor’s reputation gets ruined. Whereas . . . Argued Anonymous . . . A guilty Western Hemisphere’s guilt is “private.” Anonymous posited this, because professor Anonymous “said so.” 🤔 as in: forget about Yang vs. Yin, I guess; because the Western Hemisphere looks at an aggressor & assigns private guilt. But the Eastern Hemisphere assigns public, “he has disgraced the group,” shame.
Is any of that even true?
Baseballmomof8 • 11 hours ago That great Catholic Whoopi Goldberg….we must all listen to her. And the fact that she points out that Bergoglio supports Pelosi says all we need to know about Bergoglio.
Architect Baseballmomof8 • 9 hours ago Pro aborts finally have a pope they like. The Whoopster never liked St. JP or Benedict.
Michelle Campbell Baseballmomof8 • 11 hours ago So, Whoopi Goldberg...a 'lukewarm' ex-Catholic??? 🙏💒🙏
Architect Michelle Campbell • 9 hours ago There is a website called Celebrity Faith Database that says, "Whoopi has previously called herself a “Catholic Jewish girl” but holds a firm relationship with God."
Whatever that means.
Michelle Campbell Architect • 9 hours ago No kidding! Does she ever need a check-in to REALITY HOTEL.
Dr Gilsaver is a start for her 'inquiring mind'. 🙏
Verum_est_mirabilius_fictione • 11 hours ago Who can throw the first stone, but who here is aware of how many abortions Whoopie has had??? Ahem.
Robbi Verum_est_mirabilius_fictione • 11 hours ago In this day and age of contraception; she's even more immoral, thoughtless
and reckless than the number of abortions she admits to...Not that contraception
is correct...Just saying. It was an option and still ABORTION was used as
What is said about repeating the same behaviors expecting different results?
Concerned parent Catholic Updates • 10 hours ago Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden have been given a long rope - it's time to rein them in.
Think of all the dead babies!
What would Jesus say to them??
Catholic Updates Concerned parent • 10 hours ago I am with you. I meant Fr. Altman went too hard on the Archbishop.
The Archbishop did the right thing. Could he done it earlier…yes but sometimes we need to be more gratuitous in our praise.
Bobbie Catholic Updates • 8 hours ago The timing of his is interesting. I think he must have felt public pressure from some important laity in his diocese. Perhaps not. I don’t know but it was about time she was denied. The amount of blood on her hands is telling of the evil she has not only allowed but celebrated on a local, state, national and international scale.
Concerned parent Catholic Updates • 9 hours ago Jesus called the Pharisees a brood of vipers - calling it like it is.
The word of God is the same yesterday, today and forever.
Verum_est_mirabilius_fictione Guest • 11 hours ago It is time to clean with fire.
We are a body.
In addition to tissue and bone, there are antibodies.
Michael Voris is the organ that issues the antibodies.
Nobody else in the Catholic Church, Inc. is doing this important work.
Lori • 41 minutes ago Our own bishops and priests have mocked Christ and His sacraments as they do not correct. Watered down confession with penance...that never sends anyone to the 'penitentiary' and letting laity like Pelosi to receive Christ in the Eucharist. It tells me both priests and bishops have no love for Christ and His Bride.
JohnJoseph • 2 hours ago I laugh every time Pelosi says she's a "devout" Catholic! If she was truly devout, she would be defending the faith at every step and committed to the cause of eternal salvation. Well, I guess she doesn't know the meaning of the word devout. She's a CINO!
7greatdanes JohnJoseph • 8 minutes ago She went on to say, "...they also don't allow contraception, LGBT rights and IVF..." as if the bishops were another political party. Nancy, THEY are the Catholic Church and those positions are dogma.
Carmen R Maiorano • 4 hours ago Pelosi is an agent of hell. She proves it by her actions everyday. Whoppie.... Your mouth is as large your body, the crap that comes out of your mouth exceeds the amount blasting out of your end. Take note no one is listening to you and no one cares what you say.
Susan Abdallah • 8 hours ago Thank you, young, beautiful fantastics. Great job; praying for your continued holiness.
Maris Bentley • 9 hours ago I love Father Altman and I thank God for priests like him. However, I’m concerned that his righteousness anger is becoming unholy and harmful, especially to himself.
Architect Maris Bentley • 9 hours ago It's not good when EVERYBODY jumps to attack a Bishop for doing the right thing.
Maris Bentley • 9 hours ago Dr. Mahoney, I’ve heard it explained as God’s permissive will, this plurality of religions.
Architect • 9 hours ago Father James Altman is one of my favorite priests. This time, I think, he should have reserved the outrage for those bishops who stay silent about, or will attack Archbishop Cordileone. The Archbishop did the right thing, and may God bless him for that.
Imagine the father of the prodigal son screaming at him, Why didn't you come home sooner, and did you wait until you wasted entire inheritance on a life of dissipation!?
Lucy Pipes Architect • 2 minutes ago Dear Architect,
Thank you for so clearly referencing Sacred Scripture. I knew something was "off" in Father Altman's comments, and your post clarified for me why I had that reaction. I also agree with others about disliking, and disagreeing with, his insults on people's physical appearance. There is plenty of substance to address, the insults are an unnecessary distraction. On a related topic, as I was watching Father Altman, I started wondering if he colors his hair. I believe he was a practicing attorney while I was still in high school (class of 1984), so he either has unusual genes or he is using hair dye. There may be a good reason for it, or it may be a bit of vanity in the good priest that he might need to examine.Jeanne L Architect • 9 hours ago Perhaps the Archbishop waited in hope that he would have the support of many more of his brother bishops.
RP • 10 hours ago I appreciate Church Militant's reporting on the Nancy Pelosi issue and I agree with the general message (she shouldn't be receiving Communion per Canon Law). However, I was really disappointed with Fr. Altman's insults. Calling someone fat and another wrinkled (while commenting on the way her face appears with tight skin) has absolutely nothing to do with the issue at hand.
I'm surprised Church Militant endorsed that message and let him make those comments. This brings me to my next point. I'm a fan of Church Militant's honest reporting but I'm noticing a troubling pattern. Whenever the news organization comments on men it will use terms that stick to the issue at hand (for example calling Biden "unelected Biden"). However, when the organization comments on women it focuses on their appearance (for example when Psaki was repeatedly called "Carrot Top"). I just can't get on board with comments like that. It's subjective, mean, and unnecessary.
Lorette Sansone RP • 6 hours ago I agree with you. Using personal insults and comments about appearance, body types and the like REALLY detracts a great deal from the message being sent, and also lowers the credibility of the person speaking the message.
Bobbie RP • 8 hours ago I also didn’t like Fr Altman’s comments about physical attributes of people. He needs to stick with the problematic issues they espouse. I know he’s frustrated but he needs to ratchet down from middle school comments. God bless him.
Michelle Campbell • 10 hours ago • edited God, my God...l'm so upset over Uvalde tonight...numb....
My dear precious Church Militant family...Staff, your families and fellow chatboarders, l love you...everyday l pray Sts Michael & Joseph hide you and yours from persecution.
Sensing vulnerability, how fragile life is.
Michael has said 'All this comes to an end'.
The Four Last Things...these precious children. ✝️Architect Michelle Campbell • 9 hours ago Let's Go Brandon wasted no time tonight to go after 2nd Amendment and legal gun owners - never let a perfectly good crisis go to waste. Actually, President Trump had the right idea: to arm willing school teachers. Schools cannot remain "gun free zones" like this, where armed criminals are free to roam and mass murder whoever they want.
Michelle Campbell • 11 hours ago Alot of news and commentary tonight....
I'm returning to this website, in shock about the Uvalde Texas mass shooting
that took place today.
This 18-year old, wearing body armor, armed with a rifle, first kills his grandmother,
crashing the vehicle.
He survives, gets out, entering a middle school proceeding to shoot and kill at least 18 7-9 year olds and one beautiful teacher before being gunned down himself.
Hatred? Mental Strangulation? Motivation? Why?
Loathing of life? Self? Community?
Biden is expected to weigh in on this...or rather the 'teleprompter'.
Tucker is hoping Biden will be above the 'blame the opposition' divisiveness.
This tragedy? In a RED STATE? In Texas near the open border....
We're all waiting. 🎤🎥📹Robbi Michelle Campbell • 10 hours ago • edited How many human beings die EVERY SINGLE DAY
from these UNELECTED incompetents allowing the Insurgency Invading
and 'The WEF/CCP Cabal' just continues on with their Hegelian Crises unabated
while claiming their SELFISH vision for the world better when it's Satanic.
Jack • 11 hours ago To hear Klaus speak his terrifying words raises the hair on my neck. It reminds me of old black and white films of Germany in the late 30's.
Michelle Campbell • 11 hours ago Fr Altman. Bless you for your courage. In numerous conversations Archbishop Cordelione spoke to Nancy Pelosi and as much as l enjoyed talking with him briefly walking towards our flights in Baltimore, l do wish he'd have extended her
the great mercy of denying her Holy Communion.
A Great, Unrepentant Sinner who really sees no evil in promoting family members killing each other is badly in need of being offered CONFESSION...if Pelosi declines...EXCOMMUNICATION.
She is scandalizing Catholics and Non-Catholics alike to the point that her friends,
our ideological enemies, have a say and not a pretty sight, either.
Why? Why? Archbishop Cordelione. Why so late? 🙏💒🇺🇸👨👩👦🙏Concerned parent Michelle Campbell • 11 hours ago I agree, but better late than never.
God bless A. Cordileone - may others follow, specially Wilton Gregory.Michelle Campbell Concerned parent • 10 hours ago No, Gregory follows Bernadin's 'sinodal path' apparently giving Holy Eucharist to whoever wants it so l read, and Cdl Cupich?
He invited Chicago Mayor lesbian Lori Lightfoot to come up and receive
Communion. 👎Concerned parent Michelle Campbell • 9 hours ago Gregory has a long history of being pro-abortion, lgbtq, blm, etc. He needs to be excommunicated - why is the pope silent?
Michelle Campbell Concerned parent • 9 hours ago • edited No Traditional Guts...only loving, wanting 'the chaos'...paraphrasing PF's words. 👎
Concerned parent Michelle Campbell • 7 hours ago PF is known by many names - Dictator Pope, Communist pope, pope of confusion, even Is the pope Catholic?
Michelle Campbell Concerned parent • 6 hours ago That's one question l wish a Traditional Catholic reporter would ask PF during one of his 'historic air flight' jaunts....🇻🇦🎤📹
Joe • 11 hours ago Fr. James, I understand your anger but we are called to act with Grace. Don't stoop to the level of the left with personal attacks. We expect more from you. Lead by example
Philipp Merillat • 11 hours ago That is odd to quote the opinion of a psychologist concerning shame. It's good that we feel shame. It's good that we feel guilt. Because then we can do something about those feelings. If we didn't feel shame we might be running around in the streets naked, or coming to mass dressed in t shirts and shorts. It was after the sin of Adam and Eve that all humanity feels shame. It's natural and right to feel shame; it's not a psychological disorder, and no, we shouldn't want to be rid of it. Mother Theresa spoke on this topic of shame. I will listen to her before I will listen to a psychologist or psychiatrist's opinions on anything. The scripture tells us about shame. It is there for a purpose.
Croppybob Philipp Merillat • 11 hours ago At DePaul University, circa 1992, One amateur philosopher - - I will the name “Anonymous” - - offered some fantastic words. To Anonymous, Shame Governs morality in the East … on account of . . . “It’s public.” As in: everybody KNOWS; the aggressor’s reputation gets ruined. Whereas . . . Argued Anonymous . . . A guilty Western Hemisphere’s guilt is “private.” Anonymous posited this, because professor Anonymous “said so.” 🤔 as in: forget about Yang vs. Yin, I guess; because the Western Hemisphere looks at an aggressor & assigns private guilt. But the Eastern Hemisphere assigns public, “he has disgraced the group,” shame.
Is any of that even true?
Baseballmomof8 • 11 hours ago That great Catholic Whoopi Goldberg….we must all listen to her. And the fact that she points out that Bergoglio supports Pelosi says all we need to know about Bergoglio.
Architect Baseballmomof8 • 9 hours ago Pro aborts finally have a pope they like. The Whoopster never liked St. JP or Benedict.
Michelle Campbell Baseballmomof8 • 11 hours ago So, Whoopi Goldberg...a 'lukewarm' ex-Catholic??? 🙏💒🙏
Architect Michelle Campbell • 9 hours ago There is a website called Celebrity Faith Database that says, "Whoopi has previously called herself a “Catholic Jewish girl” but holds a firm relationship with God."
Whatever that means.
Michelle Campbell Architect • 9 hours ago No kidding! Does she ever need a check-in to REALITY HOTEL.
Dr Gilsaver is a start for her 'inquiring mind'. 🙏
Verum_est_mirabilius_fictione • 11 hours ago Who can throw the first stone, but who here is aware of how many abortions Whoopie has had??? Ahem.
Robbi Verum_est_mirabilius_fictione • 11 hours ago In this day and age of contraception; she's even more immoral, thoughtless
and reckless than the number of abortions she admits to...Not that contraception
is correct...Just saying. It was an option and still ABORTION was used as
What is said about repeating the same behaviors expecting different results?
Concerned parent Catholic Updates • 10 hours ago Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden have been given a long rope - it's time to rein them in.
Think of all the dead babies!
What would Jesus say to them??Catholic Updates Concerned parent • 10 hours ago I am with you. I meant Fr. Altman went too hard on the Archbishop.
The Archbishop did the right thing. Could he done it earlier…yes but sometimes we need to be more gratuitous in our praise.
Bobbie Catholic Updates • 8 hours ago The timing of his is interesting. I think he must have felt public pressure from some important laity in his diocese. Perhaps not. I don’t know but it was about time she was denied. The amount of blood on her hands is telling of the evil she has not only allowed but celebrated on a local, state, national and international scale.
Concerned parent Catholic Updates • 9 hours ago Jesus called the Pharisees a brood of vipers - calling it like it is.
The word of God is the same yesterday, today and forever.
Verum_est_mirabilius_fictione Guest • 11 hours ago It is time to clean with fire.
We are a body.
In addition to tissue and bone, there are antibodies.
Michael Voris is the organ that issues the antibodies.
Nobody else in the Catholic Church, Inc. is doing this important work.