Free Subscribers | The End Times Chronicles | Dr. Stephen Phinney PROPHECY: Biblical Leprosy ReturnsMost Biblical scholars believe, without question, that the disease was from God as a consequence of disobedience - as in all Biblical plagues noted in the scriptures.
THE RETURN OF A BIBLICAL PLAGUECases of leprosy are increasing dramatically worldwide. In America alone, cases have doubled in the past decade. Conservative & liberal health experts fear the infectious disease is now in endemic proportions. Leprosy shows no favoritism. It affects people of all ages but is most common in people with immune system deficiencies. Symptoms include skin patches; numbness or tingling in the hands, feet, arms, and legs; painless wounds on the hands and feet; and muscle weakness.Most alarmingly, if untreated, leprosy can cause paralysis, vision loss, disfigurement of the sensory ports (eyes, nose & ears), permanent damage to the hands and feet, and shortening of the fingers and toes. About 200,000 cases are officially diagnosed each year, while millions of cases go unreported & diagnosed annually. India is considered the epicenter for the spreading of this infectious disease. Global travel freedom has spread the disease to over 120 countries. Since it is one of the leading infectious diseases in the world, it was labeled in 2023 as a global pandemic. Oddly enough, the COVID vaccination(s) assists in increasing the risk of contracting the disease. THE BIBLICAL BACKSTORYThe Biblical term for the disease came from Lepra Mosaica - which was identified when God told Moses to put his hand in his robe. When Moses obeyed the Lord and pulled his hand out from the robe, his hand was plagued with white infectious circular (lepra). God then told Moses to place his hand back into his robe. When Moses pulled his hand back out, his flesh was returned to a healthy condition (Exodus 4:6-7). Most Biblical scholars believe, without question, that the disease was from God as a consequence of disobedience - as in all Biblical plagues noted in the scriptures.
The “latter sign” is the healing of leprosy.When God allowed His people to be captured and held in bondage by the Egyptians, He fulfilled the prophetic warning He demonstrated to Moses that day. Leprosy spread like wildfire throughout the Egyptian culture - affecting the Hebrew families during their time of captivity, which was initiated by God as a measure of discipline. God made a direct connection between His people listening (obeying) Moses and the consequences IF they don’t. This revelatory commission was established in the period when God was setting Moses to be God’s spokesman for the 40-year time in the wilderness AFTER God set His people free.Oddly enough, due to the sudden and total change of food, air, dwelling, and mode of life caused by the Egyptian captivity of the Hebrew people, God’s nation, history notes these conditions furthered the spread of God-ordained leprosy. Some, like me, believe the constant uprooting system God used while they were in the wilderness was because leprosy was so severe & repressive, God required their camp once a year for forty years to move to a new location to secure public health or to allay the pandemic of leprosy. Known as the “purification process.” The Connection to Modern LeprosyLeprosy is the only disease known to destroy the portals of humanity’s sensory system - sight, touch, hearing, smelling, and taste. These sensory points just happen to be directly connected to most of the Biblical instructions of the Lord. Throughout the Scriptures, we find endless references to seeing God, touching, hearing, smelling Him in nature, and “tasting of the Lord.” The five sensory prophecies were fulfilled when Jesus arrived physically on Earth through His birth, ministry, resurrection & indwelling Life. It is no accident that much of Jesus’s healing was done with leprosy colonies during His ministry. Symbolizing the fulfillment of the prophecy of God healing those who listen & obey Moses, now Jesus, to eradicate the consequences of disobedience. When Jesus told the leprous to “get up and sin no more,” it was directly connected to the act of the Cross they were soon to witness. As with all of Jesus’s healing demonstrations, it was to introduce them to the power of the Cross and resurrected Life of the indwelling through the Holy Spirit. Leprosy is a consequence of a rebellious heart.Being the worst form of disease, leprosy was fixed upon by God to be the special type of discipline for disobedience, and the injunctions regarding it had reference to its predicted character infraction of people disregarding the solution to the Adamic nature - which was/is hereditary, contagious, ever tending to increase, incurable except by the power of God in Christ Jesus, a shame and disgrace, rendering one alone in the world, deforming, unclean, and separating the soul from God, producing spiritual death; unfitting for Heaven without the filling of the Holy Spirit. God’s leprosy became God’s ultimate prophetic commitment to delivering consequences for rebellious people. It is no news here as to why God is, once again, increasing the plague of leprosy in our End Times events. Not one bit. He is obviously ramping up for the Rapture, separating the goats from the sheep. It is no surprise that “backyard goats” are the leading carriers of leprosy. Sheep are rarely carriers of the disease. In fact, zero cases have been reported. God is making a statement in nature for the supernatural case of the indwelling Life of Christ being the solution. It is no accident that Jesus Himself is called The Lamb of God. WHAT TO EXPECT IN THE NEAR FUTUREAnd I looked, and behold, a pale horse! And its rider's name was Death, and Hades followed him. And they were given authority over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by wild beasts of the earth. (Revelation 6:8) This is unavoidable! No human health agency or clever specialist will be able to supersede the incurable diseases this “pale horse” figure will bring down upon humanity. For every “cure” humanity discovers, God will increase His plagues onto humanity, the type of plagues that cannot be removed. Likened to the same consequences Moses gave the Pharoah, sooner or later, the most powerful leaders of nations will bow at the feet of Jesus, which, if you are uninformed, is the message of the End Times. Like the leprous, each starts out with the appearance of health, beauty, and sustainability while having an infectious disease. In due time, leprosy shows its ugly face, shutting off the ability to connect to the world through its five senses. In the end, they shut off the world around them and hibernate in a colony of isolation and condemnation. What is a responsible God to do? The same thing world history has proven, burn it. For this reason, her plagues will come in a single day, death and mourning and famine, and she will be burned up with fire; for mighty is the Lord God who has judged her.” (Revelation 18:8) Discover the Good News in all of this: [9 min.] You’re on the free list for The End Times Chronicles. We are a non-profit outreach. To bless our ministry, become a paying subscriber. or donate. Dr. Stephen R. Phinney is the President & Founder of Lion of Judah Films, Identity Matters Worldview Institute & IOM America. He is an author, teacher, film producer & podcaster.Hey, fellow writers/readers, would you be open to buying me a cup of coffee? Check out this fun way of supporting my writing: |