Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Sound of Freedom star Jim Caviezel delivered this important message to Kevin McCarthy August 1, 2023..Sound of Freedom’s powerful message is taking the country by storm. It’s reached all the way to the halls of Congress.


Sound of Freedom star Jim Caviezel delivered this important message to Kevin McCarthy

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Sound of Freedom’s powerful message is taking the country by storm.

It’s reached all the way to the halls of Congress.

And Sound of Freedom star Jim Caviezel delivered this important message to Kevin McCarthy.Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is hosting a series of movie nights throughout this session of Congress to boost camaraderie and morale for lawmakers.

McCarthy held a special screening of Sound of Freedom for his latest movie night with members of both parties invited.

The movie is the surprise box office hit of the summer taking in over $100 million and counting.

It’s based on the true story of former Homeland Security agent Tim Ballard who leaves the government to lead an effort to rescue children from sex traffickers in South America.“I think movies are a good thing to bring people together, but also educate the members of Congress,” McCarthy told Fox News. “The Sound of Freedom does exactly that. This is an educational film.”

Every Democrat skipped out on attending the movie after their media allies falsely accused it of being a QAnon conspiracy theory even though it has no connection to the movie’s story.

The movie’s star Jim Caviezel and Tim Ballard were invited to attend the special screening with McCarthy.

The pair were fresh off a screening of the movie for former President Donald Trump at Bedminster golf club.

Trump called for the death penalty for human traffickers after the screening and said he will defend the dignity of human life when he becomes President again. McCarthy sat down with Caviezel and Ballard before the movie for a discussion on human trafficking.

The House Speaker asked Caviezel what message he hoped audiences would take with them after watching the movie.

“When God tells you to do something, you don’t hesitate,” Caviezel replied.

Ballard explained why the movie made such a connection with audiences.

“The people are tired of just being entertained,” Ballard said. “They want to have a purpose to what they’re looking at and watching. I think God’s touched millions of hearts to wake up and they’ve used this amazing film to do that.”

McCarthy, like Trump, was moved by the movie’s powerful message.

He said that the movie was “difficult” to watch at times and upsetting but it should inspire Congress to come together to combat human trafficking.

“When you watch and get to the end and you think today, as a policy maker, I would love to sit down and watch this with the president,” McCarthy said. “What is transpiring to these young children? Human trafficking that is going on, let’s not put politics around it. Let’s put these children first.”

Sound of Freedom is a runaway success with audiences and now it’s inspiring politicians to take more action to stop trafficking.

The success of the movie is bigger than its box office numbers by shining a spotlight on one of the most overlooked tragedies in the country.

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