Friday, July 29, 2016

Irony: Anti-Trump Matt Damon's Next Movie Titled 'The Great Wall' "One of mankind's greatest wonders."

Irony: Anti-Trump Matt Damon's Next Movie Titled 'The Great Wall'

"One of mankind's greatest wonders."

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Earlier in the month, TruthRevolt reported that actor Matt Damon has a very difficult time living by his own leftist precepts, and his upcoming film The Great Wall – the largest movie collaboration between the U.S. and China – won't help that image in the least bit. 
From public education to diversity to gun control, time and time again the 45-year-old actor has made a political statement on an issue while simultaneously doing the exact opposite in his private life to the point of near farce.
Last year in Toronto, Damon mocked Presidential candidate Donald Trump over his call to build a "great wall with Mexico" by satirically declaring the real-estate mogul should seek to build a great wall with Canada. Video below:

"I’m really glad that we’re gonna be putting up this wall, you know, to separate these Canadians from coming in," Damon said in jest. "I think it’s a really good allocation of our resources. A big wall because, Canadians remember, they’re athletic. They’re an athletic, outdoorsy people so we’re gonna need a few stories."
Once again, Damon, the joke's on you. 
Not only will Matt Damon's next movie be about the Great Wall of China, but it will be an action-packed epic about halting the onslaught of a foreign invasion on the Great Wall of China, which in the case of this film appears to be some kind of mythical creature. 
"I was born into battle," Matt Damon's character says in the trailer. "This is the first war I've seen worth fighting for." 
By the trailer's own admission, the first war Matt Damon's character felt "worth fighting for" is a war for border security. 
Ladies and gentlemen, TruthRevolt proudly presents Hollywood's paramount hypocrite: Matt Damon – the gift that keeps on giving. 

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