CNN analyst David
Axelrod, who led President Obama to two White House victories as his senior
campaign advisor, admitted last night that Democratic presidential nominee
Hillary Clinton's DNC convention speech wasn't impressive. [Keep
case you missed Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton's acceptance speech last
night, first take a look at Matt's summary and Guy's analysis. Then decide if
you agree with GOP nominee Donald Trump's rapid-fire assessment of her speech.
Obamacare, Medi-Share is a healthcare sharing network whose members share each
other's medical expenses. It's about half the cost of insurance, and it's fully
acceptable under the law. That means no penalty! [Keep
are over 14.5 million Americans that have a concealed carry permit. That’s an
all-time high, according to John Lott of the Crime Prevention Research
Center. [Keep
Imperatrice, the Founder and President of Blue Lives Matter, joined “Fox and
Friends” to weigh in on the paranoia police are feeling right now when they put
on their uniforms. [Keep
It's finally,
blessedly over. As expected, Hillary Clinton's anticlimactic acceptance speech
capped off a Democratic convention at which two of the weakest primetime
speeches were delivered by the the two members of the nominated ticket. [Keep
Hillary Clinton
accepted the Democratic nomination last night, tore into Republican nominee
Donald Trump, and pretty much laid out reasons why he was unqualified to be the
next president of the United States. [Keep