Friday, July 29, 2016

Gingrich: DNC Speeches Don't Reflect Reality Americans Face If the world were made of speeches, DNC had a great week.

Gingrich: DNC Speeches Don't Reflect Reality Americans Face

If the world were made of speeches, DNC had a great week.

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Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich appeared on Hannity Thursday evening to discuss Hillary Clinton's acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention. As he often does, Gingrich provided astute insights, saying that if the world were "made up of speeches," then Democrats "had a great week." =
Gingrich noted that keynote speakers like the Barack and Michelle Obama were good speakers and that Bill Clinton's "fairy tale was very good" but that the speeches did not reflect the reality Americans are facing. 
The former House Speaker also noted that the rise of social media has changed the we "do conventions" as the back-and-forth between parties and candidates is now "all day, every day, seven days a week." Gingrich and Hannity agreed that Hillary Clinton's speech hit every interest group-check box, but managed to avoid radical Islamic terrorism, the failure of inner cities including Chicago, the fact that 50 percent more Black Americans are now on food stamps and that home ownership rates among Americans is the lowest its been in 51 years. 
With roughly 75 percent of the nation "not satisfied" with our current trajectory, Gingrich said that Trump can win the election, but that in order to do so he needs to continue delivering focused speeches, like the kind Trump gave on Tuesday to a veteran's group in North Carolina. 
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