Apple For Clinton?
CEO Tim Cook to host fundraiser.
Is Apple backing Democrats over Republicans? The answer could be both yes and no.
According to The Verge, Apple CEO Tim Cook is set to host a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton on August 24th. That may leave some thinking that the tech giant is fully backing the Democrats this election cycle but just a month ago Cook was raising money for Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan. What Cook has not done is hold any fundraisers for Republican Presidential Nominee Donald Trump.
While CEO Cook is courting both sides, Apple employees are not:
Campaign finance records show Apple employees have donated money to both Democratic and Republican campaign committees in the 2016 cycle, although Democratic donations have largely outstripped Republican ones. Employees have collectively donated over $150,000 to both the Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders campaigns. The most donations to a Republican presidential candidate went to Ted Cruz, who received just over $9,000.
Unlike other tech giants in Silicon Valley, Apple does not run its own political action committee, meaning Cook's outreach to Clinton and Ryan is being conducted on his own behalf.