Friday, July 29, 2016

Indians are 'Red' and Settlers are 'Dangerous' Israel Today speaks to a 'radical' Jewish settler to see if they are really as bad as the media says they are

Israel Today
Friday, July 29, 2016
To read all of today's news items in full, click here!
  Indians are 'Red' and Settlers are 'Dangerous'
Indians are 'Red' and Settlers are 'Dangerous'
Israel Today speaks to a 'radical' Jewish settler to see if they are really as bad as the media says they are
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  US Democrats Reassert Pro-Israel Standing
US Democrats Reassert Pro-Israel Standing
After Israeli flag burning, Bill and Hillary make pro-Israel gestures; but Trump is not to be outdone...
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  Does Jewish History and 'Chosenness' Matter?
Does Jewish History and 'Chosenness' Matter?
A popular Israeli author is promoting an atheistic outlook on history, and how little the Jews matter
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  Religious War or National Conflict?
Religious War or National Conflict?
Israel Today asks Israelis if the conflict is religious or nationalistic in nature, in the eyes of both Jews and Arabs
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  Americans Burning Israeli Flags
Americans Burning Israeli Flags
Israelis aren't used to seeing Americans publicly burn their national flag, but that's what happened at the DNC
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Exclusively for subscribers to Israel Today Magazine:
Religious War or National Conflict?
Water: Who’s Really Stealing It?
Summer Vacation in Gaza
British Celeb Takes Jerusalem of Gold Award
Israeli Startup Wins Top Google Prize
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