Saturday, July 30, 2016

BOOM: Don Trump Jr. Catches Obama Plagiarizing HIM, Issues Unforgettable Statement
McCain Just Made Bombshell Endorsement, Shakes Up Election With Shocking Trump Announcement
A lot of people are going to be absolutely furious when they see this major endorsement. Many Republicans didn't expect THIS to happen... Read more...
WATCH: Dems Horrified When Giuliani Reveals on Live TV Who Kicked Cops Off DNC Floor
The Democratic Party is furious after Rudy Giuliani just revealed who ordered police officers off the floor at the convention in Philly. To make matters worse, he did this on LIVE TV. When police across America hear this, they're going to be furious... Read more...
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WATCH: Right After Clinton's DNC Speech, US Flag Falls To The Ground - LOOK What Hillary Does
Wow. Hillary's reaction to the American flag falling on the floor is getting A LOT of attention. You'll instantly see why... Is Hillary's campaign in trouble? Read more...
BOOM: Don Trump Jr. Catches Obama Plagiarizing HIM, Issues Unforgettable Statement
After all of the talk of "plagiarism" at the Republican National Convention, Donald Trump Jr. actually caught Barack Obama plagiarizing HIM. He issued an unforgettable statement that had conservatives rolling on the floor with laughter. The media isn't going to report this, unfortunately... that's why we've got to make sure America knows about this. Read more...
Watch: Bill Clinton Caught Doing Something Shocking During Hillary's Speech
Right in the middle of Hillary Clinton's big acceptance speech, Bill Clinton did something strange that many couldn't believe. This is bad news for Hillary's campaign... Read more...
WATCH: Trump’s New Anti-Hillary Ad Totally Destroys Her In 59 EPIC Seconds
Donald J. Trump's latest campaign ad is out, and it's EPIC. Check out how he destroyed Hillary Clinton in 59 BRUTAL seconds. With ads like these, Hillary's not going to stand a chance in November. Read more...
Carly Fiorina Just Broke Her Silence, Digs Up 8 Things From Hillary's Past That Utterly DESTROY Her
Carly Fiorina has been out of the spotlight for a while, but now she's back with a vengeance. She's got Hillary in her sights, and she's not holding back... Do you agree with Carly Fiorina? Read more...
Second-Largest Health Insurer Announces DEVASTATING News… This Is Obama’s America
Just as the tents were being taken down and Bill Clinton's concubines were packing up at the Democratic National Convention, one of the biggest items on the liberal agenda took a MASSIVE hit. The second-largest health insurer in America made an announcement about Obamacare, and it DEVASTATED the president's signature program... this could be the end. Read more...
Revealed: What Obama Is About To Do For ENTIRE Month Of His Final Term As President Is Infuriating Many
It was just revealed that Obama will use one of the last months of his presidency for an unbelievable purpose. How is this even legal? Read more...
WATCH: Hillary Will Be ENRAGED When She Finds Out What Bill Did During Her Speech
Bill Clinton has done plenty of things while Hillary wasn't looking that ended up enraging her. However, check out what he did during her ACCEPTANCE SPEECH that's going to have her more furious than EVER. I can't believe he did this during his wife's biggest moment... ouch. Take a look... Read more...
BREAKING: Federal Court Makes HUGE Change To Voting Laws In Time For Election
Whoa. This ruling could have a massive impact on the presidential election, and it could clearly lead one side right into the White House... Read more...
ALERT: US Base in Turkey Under Siege… Obama Nowhere to Be Found
in massive news out of the Middle East, a U.S. military base is under siege. Where's Obama in all this? He's nowhere to be found, of course. The media's staying quiet, too... Read more...


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