Saturday, July 30, 2016

Trump Beats Clinton In Ratings War Millions more watch The Donald.

Trump Beats Clinton In Ratings War

Millions more watch The Donald.

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The Democrats may have pulled in higher ratings overall for their convention as compared to the Republicans but when it comes to the big moment every convention builds toward, the Dems stumbled compared to Trump and the GOP. Deadline reports that when all the major networks and cable news channels are combined, Trump reached millions more people.
With figures in from NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, Fox News Channel and MSNBC, the ex-Secretary of State’s historic acceptance speech as the first woman to be the Presidential nominee for a major American political party drew 27.8 million viewers. That 10 PM – 11:40 PM ET coverage is down 2.4 million from what Trump and the RNC got on the same outlets on July 21 from 10 – 11:45 PM ET.  
Deadline reports that if ratings from Fox Business Channel, Univision and others are factored in, the difference between Trump and Clinton becomes even bigger with Trump's ratings hitting 32.2 million.

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