Saturday, July 30, 2016

Joss Whedon Won't Direct 'Doctor Who' Unless a Woman or Idris Elba is Cast Doctor Woman?

Joss Whedon Won't Direct 'Doctor Who' Unless a Woman or Idris Elba is Cast

Doctor Woman?

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Filmmaker Joss Whedon (The Avengers, Buffy the Vampire Slayer) won't direct a Doctor Who unless a woman or black actor Idris Elba is cast as the lead. 
Not taking the hint from Ghostbusters that social justice doesn't sell, Whedon made his comments during a Nerd HQ forum after a young fan asked him if he'd ever helm the director's chair for one of Britain's most iconic television character.
"I’m not sure, and here’s why. I’d have to do a lot of research, like, watch 40 years of television. I mean I’ve seen some of it, but let’s get real… Check back with me when the Doctor is a she. Or Idris Elba. Every question can actually just have the suffix ‘or Idris Elba," Whedon said, prompting applause. 
British actor Idris Elba has been in the running to replace James Bond, which would make him the first black man to play the iconic MI6 agent. During this year's #OscarsSoWhite controversy, Elba walked in lockstep with social justice warriors when he lectured British parliament about the values of (left-wing) diversity and its need in the entertainment industry.
Director Joss Whedon, a self-avowed feminist, came under fire last year when feminist harpies on Twitter began slamming the veteran director for his rather traditional portrayal of the female assassin Black Widow in The Avengers: Age of Ultron

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