Saturday, July 30, 2016

Clinton Campaign Hacked!

Clinton Campaign Hacked!

Same hack as DNC

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Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign has suffered the same fate as the Democratic National Committee: having its servers and emails hacked, according to a report late Friday by Reuters.
This latest attack follows reports of two other hacks on the DNC and the party’s fundraising committee for candidates for the House of Representatives.  
Sources told Reuters that the hack may have been related to an "analytics data program" used by both the DNC and the campaign:
"Our campaign computer system has been under review by outside cyber security experts. To date, they have found no evidence that our internal systems have been compromised," said Clinton campaign spokesman Nick Merrill. The U.S. Department of Justice national security division is investigating whether cyber attacks on Democratic political organizations threatened U.S. security, sources familiar with the matter said on Friday.  
The release of internal emails from the DNC at the start of their convention this week caused a furor among Bernie Sanders supporters who say the emails proved the DNC favored Clinton over Sanders. It is not clear what may have been taken from the hack on the Clinton computer system or if it will be made public by a group such as WikiLeaks.

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