Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Can It Get Any More Disgusting Than This?

Can It Get Any More Disgusting Than This?

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Remember when Democrats said it was all about protecting women’s rights and women’s health options? Similar to when they said they weren’t pushing socialism, they lied. They lied. They lied. They lied…
Continued below:

Only 3 Democrats voted to make killing a baby illegal if it survived a third trimester abortion. We're no longer talking about abortion. We're talking about a baby that has already been born!
Presidential candidates Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, Amy Klobuchar, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders all voted against Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse’s Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, as well.
The Democrat-run media painted their usual camouflage on the bill, calling it 'anti-abortion' when, in fact, it would not have stopped one abortion.
Sasse’s bill exempted mothers from prosecution, and would have merely required medical professional to “exercise the same degree of professional skill, care, and diligence to preserve the life and health of the child as a reasonably diligent and conscientious health care practitioner would render to any other child born alive at the same gestational age.”
We're on a slippery slope when we've already breezed past the 'it's not human if it's in the womb' argument and went straight to 'I didn't want it in the first place, so...'
Couple this with Alexandria Ocasio Cortez's suggestion that perhaps we Americans should stop having kids altogether for the sake of morality and the picture becomes clear: Democrats don't respect your right to choose life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. They prefer the government decide what's best for you, all around. You know what other country operates this way? China.

20 thoughts on “Can It Get Any More Disgusting Than This?”

  1. The dems have become worse then animals. Wanting to murder a baby. Just read that that women on The View –says that babies should be put down like4 a dog. If there was a way to make that women a mute I’d be all for it. One day she is going to meet her maker and wow on to her of what she will get. -sent below for the demon she is. I wouldn’t watch that show come hell or high water. She is dirty as all get out.
  2. Why is anyone surprised. These ‘people’ for years have demonstrated they will continuously lie, misdirect, avoid and obfuscate to excuse their actions and further their agenda.
  3. I will never, ever vote DUMocRATS again in my life. What are they thinking, killing Babies,
    I can never forgive them for that. Plus I think only 2 democrats voted against not killing babies.
  4. They should be shot on the spot for killing babies. What gives these inhuman peaces of trash the right to end a life.The trash females that do this should die as well. Any one that ever has a abortion should be fixed just like a dog is. The law needs to be passed that this is done so they can’t keep bringing helpless babies into the world to be killed by there whore mothers ,when there the ones that should be killed. You trash democrats are murders and you should go to jail with the trash mother. I will die before you monsters will ever tell me how to live my life. I hope you all rut in hell .
    1. Yep. What Bonnie said!! 👍It is sooo important that everyone votes across the board on election day for Republican. They have to gain control of the House AND Senate in order to stop this insanity. Because if the majority of Americans don’t want abortion? Trump and Trump’s entire administration, (if they have that control), will give the citizens what we want. We have to all stand together! That’s what it will take.
  5. “Eviil triumphs when good people do nothing!” Innocent American lives–who survived an attempt to murder them–are being offered up on the altar of “inconvenience” and “self-centeredness”. And it doesn’t matter how many presidential hopefuls put on their “Minnesota nice” face and smile for the cameras–their voting records speak for themselves. “They call evil good and good evil” Wake up Americans before we lose all human compassion!
  6. a democrat used to be like a republican but simply different by not wanting a balanced budget, believing in debt as a means to give people “stuff” to secure their vote. Now the party has been hijacked by progressivism/liberalism/communism which disregrds individual rights and state rights, which seeks to destroy the Republic and its free enterprise system that has been the envy of the European/socialist world for over 200 years. They seek unfettered centralized federal POWER , gone will be justice, replaced by lies and cruelty, and in the case of babies, DEATH. A cleansing revolution is the only remedy to rid us of evil , power hungry , pathologically minded devils
  7. Last I heard, abortions in most states are illegal after the 2nd trimester. The theory was even a degenerate troll knows when she’s been pregnant for six months. All of us have relatives and ancestors who were premature. My wife’s grandmother was kept warm in a shoebox. Are we dealing with moronic subhumans or what?
  8. God will forgive the repentant but will still judge the nation for murder. The commandment is not ” thou shall not kill”, it’s ” thou shall not murder”. Big difference
  9. Silence is acceptance. To combat radical socialism, all American Patriots must educate themselves and inform all like minded citizens about our political environment. We must form together in a united front (not as RINO’s) and we must be VOCAL and ACTIVE in our support of what’s RIGHT in our country.
    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing!
    This is all happening on our watch – our children and grandchildren are depending on us…..
  11. The war of good vs. evil is is reaching its climax. Contact these Anti Christ’s and tell them how you feel.The time for doing nothing is over. Our Lord will want to know what we did to stop this. We must all fast and pray. Make sure you vote!
  12. I believe in a woman’s choice – She can have sex, or not have sex. If she chooses sex, she is responsible for any aftermath and effect. Not me, or other taxpayers. What about adoption? There are so many couples who would love to have these babies and even pay for them. Why are the doctors (?) murdering them – and it is MURDER!!
  13. We exterminate our babies today and justify it by saying we are saving people (females) today. In reality it is serving a cult of individuals too lazy to be sexually responsible for themselves. In our culture there is no reason for unexpected or undesired pregnancy. The medical /science community have developed sufficient protections against pregnancies which are cheep and effective. There is only one reason for there not being use by a promiscuous generation and that is laziness and irresponsibility! These who are eliminated, are human lives and not just trash as many choose to delude themselves into believing. There will be an accountability and that time is coming sooner then later.
    There is another thing to be considered! Abortions are killing off our future generations that would have provided doctors, educators, scientist etc, that would have carried our society forward into the world to come. By exterminating these of the “future generations”, we are in fact setting up a scenario for our own extinction. It will be a devastation both sinister but of our own social making. Whoa and unto us!
  14. The women who have their babies murdered immediately before or after birth should have their tubes tied on the spot so they can’t do this again. Unless – and I see something much more sinister here – these BABIES (Fetus means BABY in Latin!) are a means for the baby parts business to keep up the supply. Why would a woman go through 9 months of pregnancy and many hours of labor to then kill the child!? There is more to this than we can see – and lots of money paid to the doctors, the women (I can’t call them “mothers”) and the ones who sell the parts. And kickbacks to the “representatives of the people” for not representing these tiny little people as well! It’s all about money!!!!! God help us!

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