The Download

Our Lady is the greatest gift.
November 22, 2021 9 CommentsOur Lady is the greatest gift.
John Palmer • 2 hours ago Sorry, small point on the discussion of Mary's parents. According to the mystic, Anne Catherine Emmerich, Mary's parents did not conceive her in the normal way, through sexual intercourse. It was done by an action of the Holy Spirit during their embrace in a tunnel beneath one of the temple gates, if I remember the story correctly. It's not an infallible matter of faith to believe this. I just wanted to bring it up, since her visions have the approbation of the Church.
Rocco John Palmer • 42 minutes ago No. Please do not repeat that kooky stuff. Catholics already have a reputation for being sexually perverse, and such ideas only perpetuate it!
Sex is objectively virtuous for married couples, the idea that the Holy Spirit would help them avoid it is blasphemous.
Ed Graveline • 13 hours ago I was teaching a Catholic apologetics class awhile ago in Las Vegas NV my old town and one of the students brought her brother who was a Baptist. We were talking about how Mary was sinless. He stood up (he was really tall too) and said, "Hey, Romans 3:23 says "ALL HAVE SINNED And fallen short of the Glory of God!" I asked him if he knew the Bible. "Of Course, I am a Baptist" I told him I had an autistic son who did not have reason and he could not sin. But then I went into Scripture. I asked him, "What was in the Ark of the Covenant?" He said, "There were three things the Ten Commandments, the Manna, and the Shepherds staff." I said to him, "Yes, you do know the Bible, good for you! What else can we call the Ten Commandments - was it the Word of GOD?" Yes, he said, "And the manna was it the Bread from Heaven?" Yes he said, 'And the Shepherds staff, what did that symbolize? "He said the high priesthood from AARON, Moses Brother. I said yes, so if the Word of God, the Bread from Heaven and the High priest was in the Ark, was it God the Father alone or was the Trinity in there?" He said, the Trinity was in there because Jesus was also called the Bread from Heaven, the Word made Flesh and the High priest. I told him Yes, Jesus was absolutely in the Ark of the Covenant. Now lets fast forward to 2 Samuel 6 where a guy named Uzzah was carrying the Ark with David up ahead dancing and Uzzah put his hand on the Ark to steady it, what happened to Uzzah? He said," He died" I said, "But why did he die?" "probably because he had sin on his soul" yep, no sin was allowed to touch the Ark. Now lets fast forward to The Angel Gabriel who says to a young woman "Hail Full of Grace" Doesn't even call her by her name, "Mary" but calls her Full of Grace. She is now carrying that same Word of God, that same Bread from Heaven and that same High Priest inside of her, how in the world could she have sin on her soul - she would have died like Uzzah!! He said, 'I never thought of that" Today he is a Byzantine Priest!!!!
Tess208 Ed Graveline • 5 hours ago Any chance you could talk to a couple of former Catholic friends of mine? Years and years of talking and praying on my part-nothing! Great story.
CatholicFirefighter Tess208 • 4 hours ago I remember hearing that analogy 25 years ago when I returned to the Faith. Great to hear it's still changing people's hearts!
John Palmer • 2 hours ago Sorry, small point on the discussion of Mary's parents. According to the mystic, Anne Catherine Emmerich, Mary's parents did not conceive her in the normal way, through sexual intercourse. It was done by an action of the Holy Spirit during their embrace in a tunnel beneath one of the temple gates, if I remember the story correctly. It's not an infallible matter of faith to believe this. I just wanted to bring it up, since her visions have the approbation of the Church.
Rocco John Palmer • 42 minutes ago No. Please do not repeat that kooky stuff. Catholics already have a reputation for being sexually perverse, and such ideas only perpetuate it!
Sex is objectively virtuous for married couples, the idea that the Holy Spirit would help them avoid it is blasphemous.
Ed Graveline • 13 hours ago I was teaching a Catholic apologetics class awhile ago in Las Vegas NV my old town and one of the students brought her brother who was a Baptist. We were talking about how Mary was sinless. He stood up (he was really tall too) and said, "Hey, Romans 3:23 says "ALL HAVE SINNED And fallen short of the Glory of God!" I asked him if he knew the Bible. "Of Course, I am a Baptist" I told him I had an autistic son who did not have reason and he could not sin. But then I went into Scripture. I asked him, "What was in the Ark of the Covenant?" He said, "There were three things the Ten Commandments, the Manna, and the Shepherds staff." I said to him, "Yes, you do know the Bible, good for you! What else can we call the Ten Commandments - was it the Word of GOD?" Yes, he said, "And the manna was it the Bread from Heaven?" Yes he said, 'And the Shepherds staff, what did that symbolize? "He said the high priesthood from AARON, Moses Brother. I said yes, so if the Word of God, the Bread from Heaven and the High priest was in the Ark, was it God the Father alone or was the Trinity in there?" He said, the Trinity was in there because Jesus was also called the Bread from Heaven, the Word made Flesh and the High priest. I told him Yes, Jesus was absolutely in the Ark of the Covenant. Now lets fast forward to 2 Samuel 6 where a guy named Uzzah was carrying the Ark with David up ahead dancing and Uzzah put his hand on the Ark to steady it, what happened to Uzzah? He said," He died" I said, "But why did he die?" "probably because he had sin on his soul" yep, no sin was allowed to touch the Ark. Now lets fast forward to The Angel Gabriel who says to a young woman "Hail Full of Grace" Doesn't even call her by her name, "Mary" but calls her Full of Grace. She is now carrying that same Word of God, that same Bread from Heaven and that same High Priest inside of her, how in the world could she have sin on her soul - she would have died like Uzzah!! He said, 'I never thought of that" Today he is a Byzantine Priest!!!!
Tess208 Ed Graveline • 5 hours ago Any chance you could talk to a couple of former Catholic friends of mine? Years and years of talking and praying on my part-nothing! Great story.
CatholicFirefighter Tess208 • 4 hours ago I remember hearing that analogy 25 years ago when I returned to the Faith. Great to hear it's still changing people's hearts!