Editor’s Note: As I write this, it looks like August 2023 will likely go on record as the hottest month ever here in Parker County, Texas. The only consolation is that the armadillos have not attacked my lawn this year... probably because it’s so hot and dry. Long before climate change foolishness, the exact cause of all this hot weather has been known here since 1836... It’s summer in Texas. Hopefully, it has been hot enough to keep the California liberals out… they’re far more destructive than any armadillo ever was. Just ask anyone from Denver!
This morning I saw two Mormon missionaries walking through town… You know, the young guys with the short-sleeved white dress shirts and ties… no one else around here ever dresses like that.
A lot of people think that Mormons are Christians because their views on family and morality are not all that different from those of Christians and because they often call themselves Christians.
But are Mormons actually Christians?
They worship “God the Eternal Father” in the name of Jesus Christ. They have pictures of Jesus in their temples. Their founder, Joseph Smith, put it this way, saying… “The fundamental principles of our religion are the testimony of the apostles and prophets concerning Jesus Christ, that He died, was buried, and rose again the third day, and ascended up into heaven”.
But as it turns out, while Mormons may appear to be Christians, their religion stands in stark contrast to the Christianity of the Bible. Here are three huge red flags…
Not in Agreement About the Deity of Christ
• Mormons do not believe that Jesus Christ is God. They believe that Jesus was a god, but not God Himself. Instead, they hold that Jesus is our elder brother from the great star Kolob. They also believe many other things about Christ that are not Biblical, including the belief that God the Father and Jesus Christ are two separate distinct beings and not part of the Trinity. Mormons deny the deity of Jesus Christ and see the Trinity as a false, even pagan concept. They teach that God was once a man who was capable of physical death, but that He “progressed” to become God the Father. Mormons teach that they too can become gods.
• In contrast, Christians believe that Jesus Christ is clearly the Son of God, the second member of the trinity and that Christ does, and will exist eternally and is truly God. Christians believe in one God who is the Creator of heaven and earth. Christians believe in the triune nature of God… that He remains, as always one God, consisting of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Not in Agreement About Salvation
• Mormons believe that they can become gods after their death through their works here on earth. They believe that universal salvation for all people is acquired through obedience and successfully completing a “mortal probation” on earth by leading a righteous life. They believe these two things enable them to move forward in an eternal progression. Their view of salvation is a mix of works and grace, with the heaviest emphasis placed on works, like knocking on doors as missionaries. Mormon teachings explicitly deny that we are saved by grace through faith alone. The Book of Mormon teaches that Jesus brought death and destruction with the cross and that His death on the cross meant wrath and destruction for historical cities like Mocum, Onihum, and others. Mormons explicitly deny the validity of Christ’s atoning sacrifice on the cross.
• In contrast, Christian doctrine holds that person is saved only by grace through faith in Jesus Christ and not of themselves (Eph. 2-8 NASB). It is through faith, based on Christ’s death on the cross, that a person is justified before God… and not of their own efforts. (Romans 5:1). Christians believe in salvation through Christ alone and must submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ to be saved. The Bible teaches that all people are sinful and unable to save themselves (Romans 1-3), and therefore it is only by God’s intervening grace that anyone can be brought back into a right relationship with God… not by works or by religiously keeping all ten commandments..
Not in Agreement About the Bible
• Mormons consider the Bible part of Scripture but add several other false and conflicting things to it… such as The Book of Mormon, The Doctrines of the Covenant, and The Pearl of Great Price. Mormons also hold the infallibility of the sitting President of the Mormon Church (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) when acting in his official teaching and prophetic capacity.
• Christians understand that the Bible alone is the inerrant Word of God and that Jesus Christ is head of the church, not men.
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While some Mormons may be very moral people, they are not Christians because they reject the foundational truths of Christianity. Sadly, they have been deceived by Satan himself… Pray they may come to know the truth.
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