EDITOR’S NOTE: There will no LOOP on Monday, September 4, in observance of Labor Day. Have a great weekend! |
BIDEN ADMIN TARGETS UNDERAGE GIRLS FOR ABORTIONS The Department of Health and Human Services is giving $23 million dollars to several organizations, including the abortion provider Planned Parenthood, to promote abortions among minors. The new funding targets “youth in foster care, youth in juvenile justice, rural youth, expectant and parenting teens, [and] younger adolescents in middle school” – all young girls in vulnerable situations. READ |
TED CRUZ BLASTS DOJ FOR TARGETING PRO-LIFERS Sen. Ted Cruz, R-TX, called out the Biden Justice Department over its failure to prosecute pro-abortion attacks on pregnancy resource centers and its decision to instead go after the pro-life movement. “At least 88 crisis pregnancy centers have been firebombed, vandalized, or set ablaze in the wake of the Dobbs decision,” Cruz wrote. But the DOJ has “only prosecuted one FACE Act case against these criminals.” READ |
DEVASTATING FIRE AT OREGON CHURCH WAS ARSON A suspect is in custody for causing the fire that ravaged St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Salem, Oregon, this week. What began as a dumpster fire in the early hours of the morning of August 31 soon escalated, spreading to the roof of the church building. On the same day, the Salem Police Department announced the arrest of a suspect, Billy James Sweeten, in a statement shared with CatholicVote. READ |
DISTRICT SETTLES WITH MOM AFTER ‘TRANSITIONING’ DAUGHTER A California public school district awarded a $100,000 settlement to a single mother after she sued them for secretly “socially transitioning” her 11-year-old daughter to think of herself as a boy. “Parents, please be bold,” the mother said after winning the settlement. “Stand up for your children and fight for them. Fight for your rights.” READ |
PARENTS OF MICHIGAN GIRLS SUE OVER ‘TRANS’ POLICY The parents of four female students sued a Michigan school district for a pro-“trans” policy that allowed boys to use the girls’ bathroom at school. According to National Review, the suit accuses “the district, its superintendent, assistant superintendent, and two principals of seven civil rights and Title IX violations.” READ |
DOJ HIDES RACHEL LEVINE INFO FROM LAWSUIT The Biden administration moved to shield Rachel Levine from having to take part in an Alabama lawsuit over the state’s ban on so-called “gender-affirming care” for minors. Republican Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall had requested Levine’s records, since the Health Department official is “the leading public-facing official in the United States government when it comes to transitioning treatments for minors.” READ |
JUDGE STRIKES DOWN LAW PROTECTING KIDS FROM PORN A federal judge blocked Texas’ age-verification law for pornography, stating that it violated the First Amendment. The Thursday ruling struck the law down the day before it was to go into effect. “This is insane,” observed commentator Matt Walsh. “Every adult oriented product has age verification requirements. But if the same basic standard is applied to internet porn suddenly it’s a First Amendment violation?” READ |
BIDEN USED PSEUDONYM TO DISCUSS WH HIRE WITH HUNTER Then-Vice President Biden apparently used a pseudonym to discuss a future White House hire with his son, Hunter Biden, according to 2014 emails from Hunter’s laptop. In an email on June 23, 2014, Hunter emailed "Robin Ware" from his company email at Rosemont Seneca Partners. "Before you fill position pls talk to me----- J. McGrail very much wants to serve as detail fr treasury," Hunter wrote. READ |
FIRST UNBORN CHILD TO BE BEATIFIED On September 10, Pope Francis will beatify the Ulmas, a Polish family of nine who were murdered by the Nazis for hiding Jews. Their upcoming beatification bears a twofold significance for the Church: The Ulmas are not only the first family to be beatified together, but also their youngest child will be the first unborn baby to be directly honored in this way. READ |
EXCAVATIONS FIND NO ‘MASS GRAVES’ IN CANADA Two years after reports that there were mass graves of indigenous children on the properties of Catholic schools in Canada, excavations are finding no such graves. “Trudeau made Pope Francis apologize on behalf of the Catholic Church over these fake graves,” wrote Mary Margaret Olohan of The Daily Signal. “Around 56 Canadian Catholic Churches were vandalized and burned to the ground.” READ |
LOOPCAST A 7th-grader said “Don’t tread on me” and got kicked out of school for wearing a Gadsden flag on his backpack. Catholic lefties declare war on the most dangerous Catholic in America: Scott Hahn. And the LOOPcast dips its toe into the coffee wars: Is it a sin to buy from Starbucks? WATCH |
WORKING FROM HOME WITH KIDS Many of us spend a lot of time thinking about, discussing, striving for, and even fighting about work-life balance. And for those of us who work from home, there’s an even more immediate competition. But maybe “balance” is not the right word: it implies equal parts, and it also implies separation and compartmentalization. Here are four ways the two can actually come together and co-exist in peace. READ |
LABOR DAY DESSERTS Most likely, you’ll be throwing hot dogs and hamburgers on your grill this Labor Day Weekend. And that’s a tasty and easy way to feed a crowd. But you can really show the spirit of the day in your desserts. Here are 50 gorgeous desserts that say “God Bless America, and yes, you can have seconds.” READ |
DISNEY ALTERNATIVE Disney has been inserting increasingly woke themes in their content, but we still want fun and creative entertainment for our kids. Good news: Disney isn’t the only production studio out there. Here is a list of animated movies produced by Studio Ghibli, featuring the work of Hiyao Miyazaki. The movies are beautifully animated and positively feature family and communal life. Check it out! READ |
SOULMATE vs. ‘ONLY ONE’ The concept of a soulmate, or the idea that there is one person out there who is “meant for you,” is super pervasive. If you don’t subscribe to this concept, you may still think it’s just a silly or sweet sentiment. But this idea can lead to deeply painful consequences. That doesn’t mean that you can’t call your spouse (or intended spouse) your “only one.” Here’s the big difference. READ |
COMMENTS NEEDED The Biden administration just issued a NATIONWIDE MANDATE to force employers to accommodate employee abortions. CatholicVote is calling on YOU to submit a comment objecting to the new rule. The more comments, the less likely we’ll see this mandate implemented in its current, horrible form. COMMENT |
CATHOLIC 101 Love your neighbor as yourself, give shelter to the homeless, give food to the hungry, ascribe to liberation theology... wait what? Prominent Catholic institutions and scholars have taught liberation theology. What is it, and why should we free ourselves of this kind of liberation? READ |
SAINT OF THE DAY The September Martyrs are a group of Christians killed for their faith during the French Revolution. They were imprisoned and massacred in the span of two days by the revolutionaries for refusing to take an oath in support of a civil act that placed Catholic priests under the authority of the state. READ |
SATURDAY’S PSALM “The Lord comes to rule the earth with justice.” (Psalm 98:9) READ |
SATURDAY’S READINGS Saturday's Mass readings. READ |
SUNDAY’S PSALM “My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God.” (Psalm 63:2) READ |
SUNDAY’S READINGS Sunday's Mass readings. READ |
ANSWER TO THE TRIVIA Arianism was first proposed by the Catholic priest Arius, who lived in Alexandria, Egypt. Arius promoted the claim that Jesus Christ was not divine. The heresy had become widespread in the Church when the First Council of Nicaea, convened in 325, condemned it. |
HAVE A TIP? Send us your news for the Weekend Loop. EMAIL |
ARTWORK May Saint Joseph intercede for those who labor. SHARE |
The LOOP is a publication of the CatholicVote Education Fund, a 501(c)(3) organization.
The LOOP is organized, funded, and published by faithful Catholic laity. We do not claim to speak for any individual bishop or the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
CATHOLICVOTE | PO Box 3310 | Carmel, IN 46082 | (317) 669-6127 |