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. Re-Posting a Story I did a Year ago, as it is most appropriate to this
present time............. It seems everyone is predicting that Christ is coming
in September 2015 maybe after The Blood Moon or The Eclipse or This and That?
Don't be Fooled!!! Others are predicting The Arrival...
just take a step back and look at all the world events from a distance…Could it
all be one Fantastic Script, controlled by Mad men to keep us in their “Game Of
Life”……………… What I learned is that Rockefeller OWNS Russia… As we know , He...
. We're spoiling the plans of the Illuminati for this month of September
2015. We're no longer bound by the letter or it's prophetic events. We abide by
our Creator therefore we will follow His end times program which is NOT the
prophetic events from the book of the serpent seed...
. When Jesus was asked by the diisciples about what would happen at the end
of time He told them all about Satan's plan for the future of the Earth. He
never said that His Father's wrath was going to come upon the earth. Here's a
quote about the history of...
CONTRIBUTOR: . Change Everything or Face a
Global Katrina By Naomi Klein, The Leap 29 August 15 or me, the road to This
Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate begins in a very specific time
and place. The time was exactly ten years ago. The place was New Orleans, in the
. Apostle Paul Was An Edomite, He Is A Wicked Descendant of Esau, A Cursed
Seed, This Is Why He Had Our People, The Israelites, Killed And Why He Helped To
Put Them Into Prison! His father was an Edomite of high social class (Esau &
Canaanite Mix) a descendant of...
. WIBR/WARN Radio and Internet ministry is "an Prophetic end time, teaching,
preaching, and warning agency". Our shows are heard via Satellite, Warn Radio
network, and world wide via the Internet. Feast of Trumpets ‘Yom Teruah’ Rosh
Hashanah 2015 Pt3 “A Journey for those who look into...
. Apostle Paul Was An Edomite, He Is A Descendant of Esau, A Cursed Seed,
This Is Why He Had Our People Killed And Why He Helped To Put Them Into Prison!
Apostle Paul Was An Edomite, He Is A Wicked Descendant of Esau, A Cursed Seed,
This Is...
. 55 LAW AND GRACE: Romans 6:14 Romans 6:14 KJV For sin shall not have
dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace. What does Paul
mean by “sin shall not have dominion over you” and “you are not under the law,
but under grace?...
. The Diamond synchrotron is the largest UK-funded scientific facility to be
built in the UK for over 45 years, since the Nimrod proton synchrotron which was
sited at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. In 1977 financial approval was
given to convert the Nimrod facility into the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS)
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