Kerry Cassidy Whistleblowers, Super Soldiers and Black Projects. Black Projects are called “black” because they are hidden, that is, in the dark. These projects are part of a clandestine network run by the Shadow Government also known as The Secret Space Program. Kerry Cassidy gives us a run down on Whistleblowers, Super Soldiers and Black Projects and much more.
The rise of the Bush Cabal and the infiltration and takeover of the U.S. military industrial complex by the ----- is again well documented. The Shadow or Secret Government has grown in leaps and bounds since 1939 whose primary raison d’ĂȘtre became the Secret Space Program. This program involved Black Projects that used newly invented and acquired technologies with the help of various treaties and relationships over time with various ET races, both on and off planet “races” of beings. This is the world we will attempt to describe: the world of BLACK PROJECTS.
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The rise of the Bush Cabal and the infiltration and takeover of the U.S. military industrial complex by the ----- is again well documented. The Shadow or Secret Government has grown in leaps and bounds since 1939 whose primary raison d’ĂȘtre became the Secret Space Program. This program involved Black Projects that used newly invented and acquired technologies with the help of various treaties and relationships over time with various ET races, both on and off planet “races” of beings. This is the world we will attempt to describe: the world of BLACK PROJECTS.
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