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CONTRIBUTOR: . 1 The burden which the prophet
Habakkuk saw. 2 O Lord, how long shall I cry, And You will not hear? Even cry
out to You, “Violence!” And You will not save. 3 Why do You show me iniquity,
And cause me to see trouble? For plundering and violence are...
CONTRIBUTOR: . An Important, And Ignored,
Development in the Middle East And It's Powerful, Prophetic Implications 28 Aug
15 Here is Hals weekly newsletter plus his video which goes into greater detail.
This week on 'The Hal Lindsey Report' An important, but almost completely
ignored, development took place recently...
. War Of The Worlds: Fake Government Set Up Alien Invasion: They Are Going
To Try To Scare Us Into Submission: Trying To Deceive The Very Elect/Chosen Ones
If It Were Possible. One of the reasons for Jade Helm 15, because their will be
utter chaos and intense panic among...
CONTRIBUTOR: . Days Are Numbered for Barcodes!
The Mark Of The Beast New Chip Is Here Can You Say 666? 28 Aug 15 PROJECTED DATE
TO IMPLIMENT THIS NEW RFID IS OCTOBER 2015! Can you believe this! A new Chip
(RFID) microchip has been developed and will be used starting...
. Kerry Cassidy Whistleblowers, Super Soldiers and Black Projects. Black
Projects are called “black” because they are hidden, that is, in the dark. These
projects are part of a clandestine network run by the Shadow Government also
known as The Secret Space Program. Kerry Cassidy gives us a run...
. Let me introduce myself, I'm Komorusan, a disciple of Jesus son of our
heavenly Father. At these end times many of us are being called by our Father to
come out of the doctrines of men to abide solely by the Spirit. I used to abide
by the letter but...
. Our Government Is Gearing Up For A False Flag Alien Invasion Using Ancient
UFO Technology Of The Fallen Angels And Reptilians, Some EBE's Will Assist Them
In This Wicked Plan To Try To Deceive The American Public And The World. War Of
The Worlds: Fake Government Set Up Alien Invasion:...
. WIBR/WARN Radio and Internet ministry is "an Prophetic end time, teaching,
preaching, and warning agency". Our shows are heard via Satellite, Warn Radio
network, and world wide via the Internet. Prophecy News Hour, Queen of
Sorceries; Evil Days Pt2 “A Journey for those who look into...
CONTRIBUTOR: . By Bill Perkins One of the key
latter-day Bible prophecies is that, according to Dan 9:24-27, there will come a
day when the Jews will go back to sacrificing on the Temple Mount on Mt. Moriah.
Seventy Weeks and the Messiah “Seventy weeks have been decreed for your people
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