Saturday, August 29, 2015

YouTube Took Down Video After 50,000 Views. 100% Hoax False Flag Virginia Shooting TV Crew Journalist Alison and Adam 8-26-15

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#VirginiaShooting New Info! 3rd Camera Spotted! WDBJ Missed This! CONTRIBUTOR: Ok... Are you ready for the answers? Well you've come to the wrong place. lol... Be prepared to start asking more questions after this video. I took my time to go through this video slowly. The truth is I was shocked that no one noticed the security camera that the...


YouTube Took Down Video After 50,000 Views. 100% Hoax False Flag Virginia Shooting TV Crew Journalist Alison and Adam 8-26-15

CONTRIBUTOR: FromDeath 2Life. Part 2 is already finish and will upload soon. Thanks for watching....


ESPN Is Complicit in Supporting Terrorism

CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. ESPN’s Curt Schilling, relieved of broadcasting duties for telling the painfully obvious truth. Earlier this week, Schilling posted (featured above) and then deleted a tweet that seemed to suggest “extremist” Muslims are as much of a threat to the world as the Nazis were during World War II. ESPN called...


Operation Cloverleaf: The Most Dangerous Weapons Testing Program In World History CONTRIBUTOR: MEDIA MAVEN. The Millennium Report: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today. OPERATION CLOVERLEAF: The Most Dangerous Weapons Testing Program In World History Chemtrails: Aerosol and Electromagnetic Weapons in the Age of Nuclear War by Amy Worthington North America is now suffering its seventh year of conspicuous and dangerous...


Persecution Of Constitutionalists: Coming To A Sheriff’s Office Near You

CONTRIBUTOR: AmericanPatriot. On the front cover of Washington State’s August 2015 “Inlander” magazine, Spokane County Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich is shown hands on hips standing on top of the “Don’t Tread On Me” (Gadsden) flag. The title of the article is “Daring To Tread.” The sheriff and at least one of his deputies...


Choosing land for an Off-grid or Bug Out Location CONTRIBUTOR: Bob Rodgers. Knowing the value of available resources is important. If you have the option to choose where to build your off-grid home or bug-out location you should consider designing your environment to be as rich in resources and as safe as possible. In these modern times, the image people...


The Pope was commanded to tell the world I am the Returned Christ...will he do it?

CONTRIBUTOR: Steven Christ. It's been over 2 years since I wrote an open letter to Jorge Bergoglio, and I am expecting him to announce me to the world this September when he meets with Barack Obama and the U.S. Congress. Joseph Ratzinger listened to me when I told him to resign, so let's...


30 Examples of Why America is No Longer a Free Country CONTRIBUTOR: Voice of Reason. FOR MORE NEWS BY VOICE OF REASON CLICK HERE! From people being harassed for paying by cash or having a food garden, to Americans being arrested for letting their children play outside – innumerable examples over the past few months alone illustrate that the United States is no longer...


Alert! The Third Stock Market's Death Cross Is Imminent, It Is Already Negative For The Year! All Hell Is About To Be Unleashed! (Video) (Video) G. Mannarino & S. Quayle CONTRIBUTOR: Due Diligence. Alert! The Third Stock Market's Death Cross Is Imminent! All Hell Is About To Be Unleashed! 28 Aug 15 Two excellent videos for you fine folks. Please, stay at the ready! NEW SEEKING ALPHA ARTICLE. "US Stock Market Remains Negative For The Year: Third Death Cross Imminent." All...


Web Bot Report: Peak Silver, Credit Freeze, Collapse & Social Chaos; Famliy Fortunes Lost

CONTRIBUTOR: SGTreport. Click HERE for Part 2 of this report from jsnip4: REALIST NEWS – Part 1 of 2 August 2015 Web Bot Report (Already has 2 major hits!)...



CONTRIBUTOR: American Everyman


CONTRIBUTOR: Realitynews.International


CONTRIBUTOR: davidcoggan

CURATOR: Lisa Haven

CURATOR: Lisa Haven

CONTRIBUTOR: common sense

CONTRIBUTOR: Voice of Reason


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