Sunday, August 30, 2015

Orthodox Jews More Like Christians Than Other Jews? A new Pew survey has found that Orthodox Jews have more in common with Evangelical Christians than with other Jews* Daily Newsletter&utm_content=2083
Sunday, August 30, 2015
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Israel Today contributor Tsvi Sadan will be in Australia from November 6-18 and is available to speak at your congregation or other gathering in either New South Wales or Victoria.

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Israeli President: It's Our Right to Settle This Land
Rivlin says Jews must not be shy in clinging to their historic and biblical claim to the Land of Israel
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Orthodox Jews More Like Christians Than Other Jews?
A new Pew survey has found that Orthodox Jews have more in common with Evangelical Christians than with other Jews
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COMMENTARY: Was Jesus a Christian?
I once heard a Jewish believer make this sobering statement: 'Jews don’t need a Christian Christ. Christians need a Jewish Jesus
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Where is the Christian world?
Christians are being exiled, and Israelis can't figure out why the Christian world is doing nothing about it
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Exclusively for subscribers to Israel Today Magazine:
Jewish singer: 'The Church needs to repent of its hostility toward Israel'
Operation Protective Edge: One year later. What has changed?
The Iranian Agreement: Is this "a bad mistake of historic proportions"?
The Palestinian Gospel: Rewriting history to fit their own narrative!
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