Saturday, August 29, 2015

Archaeologists unearth remains of Scythian warrior in golden cloak and his horse

Science and Technology News Weekly Featured

Welcome to the Before It's News Weekly Featured 5 Stories. We deliver the most important and interesting space news stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.

Archaeologists unearth remains of Scythian warrior in golden cloak and his horse CONTRIBUTOR: . The remains of an ancient Scythian warrior have been found buried in a cloak covered with gold. Archaeologists believe he ruled an area on what is now the Russian steppes around 2,500 years ago. He was laid to rest in a tomb covered by a burial mound (known as a...

The Frightening Discovery of the Mount Owen Claw CONTRIBUTOR: . Nearly three decades ago, a team of archaeologists were carrying out an expedition inside a large cave system on Mount Owen in New Zealand when they stumbled across a frightening and unusual object… Read moreSection: NewsHistory – Reconstructing the story of humanity’s past...

Lucky treasure seeker unearths 1,000-year-old Viking coin hoard in Wales CONTRIBUTOR: . About 1,000 years ago an unlucky soul apparently buried his treasure—a cache of Viking coins—in a field in Wales and never dug it up again. Perhaps the medieval person died before retrieving it or forgot exactly where it was buried. The treasure may also have been part of a burial....

11,000 Years Old: New Dating of Shigir Idol reveals it is Oldest Wooden Sculpture in the World CONTRIBUTOR: . The incredible Shigir Idol, wooden wonder from the prehistoric world, has been precisely dated by leading German scientists, and the results are sensational. The tall, carved wooden statue has been determined to be 11,000 years old, 1,500 years older than previously thought, making it the is the oldest of its...

The Perfect Storm Bass Preamp Contains Secret Soviet Technology CONTRIBUTOR: . There’s a lot about this Kickstart project to dissuade me from writing about it. First, this is a bass preamp, a little box that sits between the bass player and the amplifier. It is a device that is interesting only to a certain subset of musician and it is expensive...

A Nanodrop on the Surface of a Lubricating Liquid Covering a Rough Solid Surface

CONTRIBUTOR: . Where size matters Nanoscale, 2015, Accepted ManuscriptDOI: 10.1039/C5NR04654H, PaperGersh Berim, Eli RuckensteinA two-component fluid consisting of a lubricating fluid (LF) that covers a rough solid surface (surface decorated by periodic array of identical pillars) and a test fluid (TF) as a...The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society...

American Inventor Alan Adler Tells the Stories Behind His Most Famous Inventions CONTRIBUTOR: . After spending decades developing a flying ring that set the Guinness world record for the farthest thrown object when it was hurled 1,257 feet in 1985, you might think that American inventor Alan Adler – who also lectures in mechanical engineering at Stanford University – would slow down a little...

Robot Bartender Serves Hundreds of Drinks at Berlin Party CONTRIBUTOR: . ZME Science Robotics has developed tremendously in recent years, and will almost surely continue to do so in the future. We have surgical robots, hotels run by robots, robots that learn, even samurai robots! After all, it makes sense we finally got some bartender robots, right? After MIT showed off...

AnyFlip Page Turning Software Leads Successful Content Marketing Strategies

CONTRIBUTOR: . 29, August 2015: With the commitment to provide innovation with smart upgradation, the digital publishing software solution, AnyFlip has now introduced their newest update about the page turning software. According to the reports, the appropriate use of page turning software can really enhance marketing strategies and help people to grow...

Females are not rational when it comes to choosing their mates – at least in frogs CONTRIBUTOR: . ZME Science Picking a mate is one of the most important decisions anyone (human or animal) makes in a lifetime, so it’s important to weigh all the pros and cons and make a rational decision. But that doesn’t go for frogs. Female tĂșngara frogs often exhibit irrational behavior when choosing a...

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